View Full Version : Is it just me .....?

18-10-10, 18:37
hiya all

i am currently going through a rough patch with depression, i don't know what triggered it off, but it's just something i am going to have to go through to get to the end.

i dont know about you lot but when i am overly anxious, depressed or recovering from a panic attack i tell people that i am 'unwell' or 'ill', i am very lethargic, hostile, quiet, not eating well and not looking after my hygiene. it's just something that i have used to tell people, without having to explain myself, that i am unhappy.

so i'm sitting here, meant to be finishing my essay for uni, thinking. when somebody is overly anxious, depressed or alike it causes physical symptoms, like malaise. when it is too hard to go to work you call in sick and say 'i can't come in to work today, i am depressed', for an example. i have, on many occations, called in sick because of panic attacks and depression. why is it that people at work or friends and family are not as sympathetic to those who call in sick because of emotional/mental illness, then those who call sick with a physical problem, like the flu or broken leg?

i find this so because at the moment i am depressed, i god knows how i made it into uni today, let alone getting out of bed. it is really REALLY hard some days! i have had people wish me well when i had a kidney infection or tonsillitis, but when it comes to having a panic attack to the point your whole body is in a cramp or so depressed you become a vegetable nobody seems to care, or at least with me anyway? whether i have an infection or depressed i see them both as an illness or feeling unwell, why don't both get the same treatment or outlook?

sorry, just a thought, but what do you all think?

19-10-10, 10:48
Most humans rely on seing to believe i guess, if you cant see it or pinpoint a reason for it its not real?

we know its real and in many ways far more crippling than any illness with physical symptoms (how ironic iv just had a knee op and cant walk lol!).
i think its more about educating people so that maybey future generaltions with have sympathy if not empathy

munkey x

19-10-10, 18:03
hiya munkey

get well soon and i hope the knee recovers quickly!!

that's what i thought also, and we (if you're normal, lol) have all experienced a cold so when others have one we know how it felt to us so we sympathise. not everybody experiences anxiety and depression like we do, especially when it's out of he blue and that there is no reason to say why.

people need to be more aware of what it's like for us. we sympathise those with dementia*, deafness/blindness and other debilitating physical illnesses so why can't those with depression, anxiety etc get the same treatment. it frustrates me at times.


* i think dementia is now classed as a mental illness, if im correct .....

19-10-10, 19:01
I also find people aren't very sympathetic, and in college if I'm having an off day people seem to avoid me insted of talking to me :weep:
I don't think my viewpoint is helped though by the fact that I'm currently in a depressed patch.

paula lynne
19-10-10, 19:36
hope you feel better x:)