View Full Version : Acid reflux and back/rib pain

cheesy pete
18-10-10, 20:03
Does anyone else suffer from this? Really struggled last night and today at work couldn't get comfortable with back and side pain. Must have tensed up a lot last night or at least that's what i hope!

18-10-10, 20:08
Yes I've had it for a few days now.

cheesy pete
18-10-10, 20:20
Not much fun at all - need a good night's sleep!

18-10-10, 20:42
im suffering at the mo aswel. the back pain is the worst tho :( and i get odd ache on my ribs particulary round an hour or so after eating

18-10-10, 20:59
I think i'm getting the same does it feel like bruising under your rib cage?

18-10-10, 21:01
mine feels like a bruising yes, its not constant but its there, not shrp but dull y'know.

cheesy pete
18-10-10, 21:08
that is exactly how it feels - sometimes it also feels like someone has a hand on each side of your ribs/side and giving a gentle squeeze - just uncomfortable.

18-10-10, 21:12
yep all day mine have felt like that i got myself so worked up last night that i think i've made the muscles tense.

cheesy pete
18-10-10, 21:19
You are not alone. I have to confess that i work myself up into a state as well. Still can't work out how the reflux causes back and side problems. I hope you feel better soon x

18-10-10, 21:32
Hope you feel better to x