View Full Version : Is it happening all over again???

18-10-10, 20:06
I haven't posted in months, the panic attacks were a thing of the past and sertraline seemed to be helping me cope with the grief of losing my precious mum! I have since also come off the happy pills, I've been exercising and eating healthy to lose the excess weight! But a couple of weeks ago the pain and health fear symptoms have return!! I don't want to go back to where I was a year ago, but once again the chest pain is taking control! Sooo frustrating! :huh:

18-10-10, 20:12
Oh hunni firstly I'm so sorry about your mum. Secondly I could of wrote your post myself. Last year I suffered terrible anxiety and panic attacks I went on citalopram and like you the panic attacks were a thing of the past. In march I came off the "happy pills" as I felt great. And now its back the chest pain and its taking over its sent my anxiety through the roof. Its that bad iv had to go back on meds I'm on 3 days of cipralx and hoping it works soon because I'm struggling to cope. Here if you need a chat babe x

18-10-10, 20:38
Hey Sammi, thank you for your message I am sorry you are suffering too, what's so frustrating is that we know things are all in our head and things were good, so why are we now taking 2 steps back? Think it might be time for a lobotomy! Arghhhh lol

18-10-10, 20:42
Lol. I've had all the heart tests so should be reassured but I'm not. Are you back on meds hun? I'm only 3 days in and praying they take effect soon. X

18-10-10, 20:50
No don't want to go back on them unless absolutely needed. Might go back to the docs see what he says?! Trying to stay positive and ignore the niggles!

18-10-10, 20:57
That's good hun let me know how you get on x

18-10-10, 21:44
Hi Mel n Sammi
Im so very sorry to hear of the loss of ur mum, I cant imagine how it feels I lost my dad a few years ago and that was hard.
Ive recentley had to go back on sertaline after a short time thinking i was fine(famous last words)
All I can say is please remember that grief is hard enough for anyone, but if you suffer with panic etc its much much harder darling, so dont be reluctant to restart any meds to help you through this very hard time.
Take care xxxx

18-10-10, 21:49
Hello tracie

How are you hun? X

19-10-10, 00:00
Hi Sammi
Im okish!!!! How are you doing?
You seem a bit better than last week by your posts babe
Im still getting chest n shoulder pains, but HEY Thats bloody anxiety lol

19-10-10, 11:49
Hey hun

Still got the chest pain and I'm extremely anxious,

You know when you just have that feeling in your stomach that something terrible is gunna happen?

Anyway I'm on day 5 of taking 5mg cipralex, so hopefully just hopefully I may be able to beat this again! Xx

19-10-10, 19:27
Hi Sammi & Tracie
It's the most frustrating thing knowing it's the anxiety but as i type this as i am ready for Zumba this evening i have a tight chest the usual pains and I'm scared that something will happen to me, something tells me not to come here and post or read posts as I am then feeding this problem and letting it get to me, but i cant go back to my friends and tell them my problems as i have absolutely no reason to feel like this now. I am now stressing so much i am worried the night sweats and panic attacks are going to return. Why is this happening again, I have a new job, i am losing weight and i have 2 fabulous kids that I need to be around for as they have no one else.. but if i carry on i am going be heading for the funny farm! I am soo lonely.

19-10-10, 19:36
Hunni me amd tracey are here anytime you need along with a lot of others here. You are not heading for the funny farm. Sometimes there isn't a eason for it to return it just does. I know you said about not wanting to go back on meds but there's other things councelling cbt or even just a chat with your gp tell him/her how you are feeling and see what he/she can suggest. Sending you :hugs:

19-10-10, 22:18
Hi sorry to hear about your mum. Try and think about how well you have been and how you got there use this to focus on the distraction and look at the positive things youve done. Its hard thought i know im up and down all the time. hope it stays at bay tc

20-10-10, 00:05
Hi Mel Sammi & ljd
How are you all doing? Seems like we all suffer the same horrible symptoms, Mel dont think of looking at this site as feeding the panic babe, I think dr googling is feeding it on here we all understand what each of us fear, when i try to explain to my mates they look at me like im bonkers!!!! none of them have ever had panic thank god.
Sammi at least your on the road to recovery now and less terrified.
Anyway im off to bed now, take care n chat soon xxxxxxxxx