View Full Version : Funny feeling in head, dizziness, lightheadedness

18-10-10, 20:11
Hi all,

After a recent bout of anxiety (which has resulted on me going back on Propanolol) and am already on Citalopram, I have noticed that I have been a lot dizzier and am feeling lightheadedness. Am also feeling depersonlisation which I havent felt for about 5 years... :o( really thought that I had finally gotten rid of that, for me, its the worst feeling.

Does anyone else suffer from dizziness, lightheadedness, depersonalisation, the feeling that your arms and legs dont belong to your body? If so, are there any ways to help this feeling? For me, its the worst sypmtom, like I dont feel like im really there, and that I feel distant from everyone around me. Am getting married next year and i dont want to put my fiance through this.

Thanks everyone

18-10-10, 21:52

Lightheadedness and depersonalisation are my worst anx symptoms. Since my anx got bad again about 4 months ago im nearly always lightheaded and feeling like im not here!

Im having CBT and hoping this will help.

They say ignoring the symtpoms will help them go away quicker, easier said though!

love mandie x

18-10-10, 23:02
hiya , i also get alot of dizziness and lightheadedness, i take prochlorperazine that the doctor gave me for the dizziness, although it is recommended to only take it now and again as e.n.t said its not a good idea to take it long term or regulary as it supresses the natural balance in the ear.
so i only take it when i get vertigo thats when the dizziness is unbearable.
theres a list of foods that help dizziness.. if you google that sentance. it will mention loads of foods that help dizziness , i cant remember all them but a few include ginger, basil leaves and celery... there are many others.
also vit B is essential to anyone with anxiety or dizzy related symptoms..
and magnesuim is a natural tranquilizer and i think calcuim helps absorb the magnesuim better.
i found out that even a borderline vit B defiency or magnesuim defiency can cause anxiety and dizziness symptoms.

18-10-10, 23:53
Hi I started taking betablockers just a few days ago (adenolol) and am getting the same symptoms, not acutely but im aware of them at different times of the day. Im saying they are as a result of the meds as I was not getting them before I started on the beta's. They have reduced my palpitations greatly and seem to be having a mild positive affect on my anxiety so at the moment on balance im happy with the way the meds are going. I guess its a personal choice. You sound like youre getting this worse than me so there may be an alternative medication. Maybe ask your doc?

19-10-10, 00:10
Hi sweetie, I'm on prescribed propranolol for anxiety, along with a concoction of medicines.

I've found that Propranolol really helps on the anxiety side, but often I experience feelings of being in a 'bubble' - as if I'm looking at things going on around me, yet I'm not really part of it.

This may be due to all the other meds, but have only really noticed since I've been on Propranolol. I suffer from low blood pressure, so perhaps some of these weird type sensations, could be down to this?

I've an appointment with my GP tomorrow, so will ask more probing :winks: questions. I know that he won't alter any dosage etc, as he will want to wait to hear about follow-up with my Psychiatrist, later this month. Still, it's good to keep my doctor on full-alert! :D

If your symptoms continue to get you down, see your GP, to change your medication, or hopefully help ease your mind to rest.

Take care,

Sue x :flowers: