View Full Version : Fear of heart stopping

18-10-10, 20:29
Hi guys.:)
It's been a while since I last posted here. The past year has been bearable, with a few ups and a few downs. My DR has been consistent, but less so than last year. I quit my medication about 2 months ago (citalopram), cause' I felt confident enough that I could handle my anxiety 'naturally'. I was wrong. My OCD got really bad, so did my social fear (big, open spaces or small, really crowded ones especially). Now I'm back on the pills and this time, I'm afraid it's for good.

For the past two weeks, I've had this fear of my heart stopping; i.e getting a blood clut. I feel a tingling in my arms and legs occasionally, and though my heart doesen't beat particularly hard, I feel that it's about to pop right out of my chest or burst - it's hard to explain, but it sort of feels like my heart is struggling... like I can feel my heart beating inside me. Does this make any sense? Also, I feel occasional rushes of blood to the head at random moments and dizziness. My dad died from a blood clut when he was 54, so I guess that's where it all comes from. I just needed to know if these 'symptoms' and fears is something someone else has felt, so it's not anything to be worried about? Hope so.

Thanks all for your long lasting support. I wish I could say that
it feels good to be back, but you know... :unsure:
all the best,

19-10-10, 04:38

I think I can say with 100 percent accuracy that most or all of us has felt this way at one time or another ,probably most still do. You mentioning your dad at age 54 kind of freaks me out as Im 56 but guess ill live till I die..

I have worried for years ,actually ever since I can remember about my heart stopping or heart problems.I guess because I have been very aware of my heart since I was very young. I can hear my hear quite a bit.. Apparently my ears stop up somehow and it makes for uneasy listening so I still worry about the sound of it although I have somewhat gotten away from the feel of it ,the sound of it makes me worry. So yes,you aren't alone. Good luck with it and hope you feel better soon. Michael

19-10-10, 13:08
Hi Michael,
thanks for the reply. Good to know that I'm not alone! :) Thank you.

paula lynne
19-10-10, 13:14
Hi Jarl....your anxiety about a clot is clearly related to your dad. Im very sorry that hes passed away.
The tingling is hyperventilation, try breathing into a paper bag to address the oxygen/carbon dioxide imbalance.
Im sorry your feeling ill again, and Im sure with help and support from us and your gp, youll be on the road to recovery soon.
I havent had meds for my anx and panic for years..Im still here!
I hope you find the "thing" that works for you soon, dont give up! x:hugs:

19-10-10, 14:06
Hi Jarl, Sorry that your dad passed away :hugs:
I constantly have a tight chest and my heart feels like its gonna pop right out, when I lay down or try to rest I can feel my heart beating all over my body. I also get the tingling feeling in my arms, legs and head, numbness round my face and head rushes which make me go dizzy and feel nauseous.

I was up very early this morning and read this http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/ gotta say I feel a lot calmer after reading it and starting to feel more positive about my future :D x

19-10-10, 20:57
Thanks for the replys guys, it really means alot to me!
I don't feel like hyperventilating (in fact, I'm very conscious about breathing normally - which probably makes be breath abnormally, sigh...), but it makes sense.

Paula: Good to hear that you have handled things without "help" from our little white friends! Makes me confident that there's some hope for me :) I'll probably buy Steinberg's 'The Stranger in the Mirror'. Heard that's a good book to help cope with DR, which is my most consistent and most feared symptom.

Shelly: Thank you. Glad to know people can relate :hugs: