View Full Version : Really fast heart rate during panic attacks

18-10-10, 20:41
Hi everyone,

I had my first panic attack almost 4 years ago and despite having CBT and reading several self help books, i seem to be slipping further and further downhill all the time. I have agoraphobia which over the last 4 months or so has stopped me from going over 6 or 7 miles from my house. Even that distance is becoming a struggle, several times I've set off in the car and ended up turning round and going home having started to panic. I have come to realise that I am simply terrified of panic attacks.

I have read many times that panic attacks arent dangerous and nobody has ever died or come to any harm as a result of a panic attack. However, when i have a panic attack my heart races so fast that I feel sure it's just going to give up or i'm going to have a heart attack or something. When I say fast, I mean it's so fast it's ridiculous. Like 200 or more. :scared15: That's no exaggeration. And because I'm so scared that my heart is just going to give up on me, I never actually manage to stay in any situation that makes me panic, I just want to escape quickly and get home to 'safety'.

I guess what I'm looking for is some kind of reassurance that it doesnt matter how fast my heart races during a panic attack, it's not going to cause a heart attack or harm me in any way.

please can somebody reassure me? thanks so much for reading.

18-10-10, 21:15
You are not alone. I'd say that probably everyone who has a panic attack has a very fast heartbeat - it's purely adrenaline and nothing to worry about. What I would say to you is that if you can try and summon up the acceptance and courage to see the panic through, then you are on your way to recovery. By that I mean not escaping. When you escape you actually dread the next time you will be in that situation and memory alone with bring the same symptoms. Accept that you are anxious and that these symptoms are perfectly normal. Try to let the panic wash over you and I promise that eventually you will find peace. Remember also - the heart is the strongest muscle in the body!! x

18-10-10, 21:47
Thanks so much for your reply Maj, i appreciate it. It worries me when I see posts on this website from people saying their heart rates have been in the 160s during a panic attack and I'm thinking 'oh no, mine goes even faster than that!' Lately I've been starting to get really depressed about my anxiety as I have really been trying to get a hold of it and stop it taking over my life any more than it already has, but not only am I not getting better, I'm just getting worse.

A couple of months ago me and my bf planned to go somewhere about 12 miles away from home. Just as we were about to get on the motorway I started panicking and told him to turn round and go home as I couldn't bring myself to do it. I just hated the thought of being stuck on the motorway unable to just pull over or turn round and go home. He got mad and told me I was never going to get better if I didnt start trying to face my fear and stop running home at the first sign of panic. I know he's right but since then I'm afraid to go places with him/anyone in case I have a panic attack. He tells me he won't react that way again but I can't help worrying. This is starting to really get me down, there are so many things I want to do but can't. My mum lives about 12 miles away and I can't even visit her because of my panic attacks. so fed up. :weep:

cornwall dan
18-10-10, 22:10

Im a fitness instructor and we learnt that the heart is one of the only muscles in our bodies that never gets tired and never gets weaker through exercise and thats what your heart is doing whilst having a panic attack and its good for the heart to work harder now and then.Your heart rate will differ depending how fit you are for example the fitter you are the slower your resting (doing nothing) heart rate will be.
No matter how hard your heart pounds during an attack your body will adjust to make it settle.I know its hard to relax whilst anxious,even knowing this i still have trouble calming myself after 6 years of on and off panic attacks and anxiety

Just try to remember that the worse thing that could happen is you will faint but this rarely happens,the body wont let you!

Hang in there CORNWALL DAN :)

18-10-10, 22:10
I feel for you, but also know that you can overcome this. Don't despair. Have you had any help from your doctor at all? Sometimes acceptance, and the help of a mild sedative, can work wonders in getting you through these situations. It's a case of the "what if's" that wind us up. The thing is that you can actually go anywhere you want, it's just your vivid imagination that's keeping you from doing it. There's no mystery here! Don't check your heartrate when you are anxious - it'll only go up more!! Ask your doctor for some help. You don't have to soldier on alone. Sometimes we all need a wee crutch to get us through, but there will be light at the end of the tunnel x

18-10-10, 22:30
Wow cornwall dan you're reply has really made me feel better. Probably because you said you're a fitness instructor so you must know what you're talking about!! I have worried for some time that I'm going to wear my poor heart out with all this worrying, so you've just helped me loads. Thanks!!

Maj, thanks for your kind words. My doctor has prescribed me some betablockers (10mg propranolol) which I have been on before, about 2 years ago. I stopped taking them back then because I was beginning to rely on them. I know this sounds totally ridiculous but I'm now scared to take them, my boyfriend's sister took one after not taking any for a few months, and she said it made her feel panicky and breathless and she wouldn't touch them again. I keep telling myself i'll take one tomorrow but I never quite get round to it. I know it's silly because they will stop my heart racing so fast which is the thing I'm so scared of, and it might be the thing that helps me get over these panic attacks. I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and do it. Once I've taken one I'm sure I'll be ok continuing to take them. xx

cornwall dan
18-10-10, 22:48
Your very welcome,
Any more info or advice you need just message.
Feels strange giving advice and not listening to myself when im freaking out lol!

18-10-10, 22:55
Tell me about it... if only we could all take our own advice!

paula lynne
18-10-10, 23:27
I hope you feel better soon x It takes a while to accept your giving your heart a good work out!! dan really has turned it into a positive. Good post dan x:D

18-10-10, 23:29
haha, we are all great at giving advice but trying to comfort yourself in the midst of an attack is no easy task. hang in there ann. my crazy heart is one of my biggest problems, i can hear every beat sometimes and it drives me doolally. but what cornwall dan has said has really helped me too. thanks all of yas. xx

21-10-10, 01:16
I have the same problem. Have been in the ER months ago a few times with rapid heart rate. They did a 24 hour monitor a few weeks ago. I was mowing the lawn and felt my heart going fast. I got real panicky. It was around 167, but the monitor showed sinus tachycardia. I am trying to get over it and exercise, (I used to hike, run, and work out at the fitness center and be in great shape). Now, I am scared everytime my pulse goes up, and of course, when you exercise, your pulse goes up. Any ideas?