View Full Version : Anyone on here actually ever been right about their health worry??

18-10-10, 21:53
Ok so at the moment i am convinced ive got lymphoma, some kind of brain disorder like MS, MND or Impending stroke/TIA, and also a heart defect that all 11 of my ECG's in the past 10months have failed to pick up....

So far ive not been diagnosed with ANYTHING.

I keep thinking to myself that its been 10 months since i started having panic attacks, then panic attacks scared me thinking i was having heart attack, and thats when my HA started.. Ive had a Brain CT scan, countless bloods taken including specific cancer blood test, 3 chest xrays, an abdominal ultrasound, 11 ecg's, eye scan at eye casualty, diabetes tests, urine samples, oral swabs, 4 neurological exams (i.e reflexes, strength, etc etc!!), called about 8 ambulances out in 10 months, been to A&E at least 10 times on top of that....... so what problems have they found?? Apart from enlarged lymph nodes in my groin and neck, then nothing. (and these lumps are apparently up due to a virus or infection that i had, id love to know what infection or virus that was coz i wasnt and still arent aware of it!!)

I just think its funny how we all think we have all these things wrong, but rarely does ne1 come on here n say 'i was right, ive got so & so'.

Has anyone ever been right?????

Also, id love to know what ur fear is at the moment and the different tests uve all had???? I feel im totally weird, and every1 on here doesnt sound as crazy as i do lol.


18-10-10, 22:42
Hi Crazyhayz, Do you know what after reading what you have said i understand things a bit better, but i worry all the time i cant help but worry, ok lets look at one point in my life ok where im thinking ok this is all down to Anxiety nothing else, but then things happen, like the lose of weight, ok its a stone and a half but to me thats alot as i was 11 stone now 9 and a half stone, so now there isnt much of me, now ive gone gaunt in the face, i can now see bones i couldnt see before, but the doctor tells me im ok, Ok fine im ok but do i feel ok NO, I now think i have IBS, why because my belly keeps making weird sounds and my stools are realy lose, so again a worry, my heart will race everyday without fail, im always off balance when i walk or stand still, so here is a Question, im told its Anxiety and i have to beleive that and try my hardest to get on with my life, but can i No, here is my video its funny to a popint as i feel a fool for doing it, but i need to show you what i mean my skin on my face well i can pull that so far out, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9xsScFRx_E what do you think? i know how i feel and i know i never lost weight like this before, nothing can be done as im Diabectic T2 so cant eat all the foods i used to, hope i hear back from you ian

18-10-10, 23:13
My ex could do that too! U were just born with extra elasticity in ur skin! thats all! and if u lose wight quickly within a short time period, then skin because very easy to pull right out, it goes all stretchy and thin. I lost 2 stone in 5 months and i have it too, only on my stomach. U need to be more positive, this IS just anxiety. I never feel normal, my off balance is always there, never ever goes, im always dizzy feeling like im guna fall, i have blurry vision, loads other symptoms. and ive had brain ct scan, all normal. bloods all normal. the mind controls us, its so powerful. I understand now how easy it is for ppl to crack up and end up in mental institutes, coz ive felt on the brink so many times, thinking ive gone crazy. The mind is a twisted thing, but u cannot let it beat you. Get thr right medication, and CBT thru ur doctor. Its helped me massively. Ive set aside the next 2 years to recover, with the right therapy, counselling and meds. I will get there, and so will you. Keep smiling, u only get one life, dont ruin it. dont grow old with regrets. look after urself ok :) Tke cre :)

18-10-10, 23:16
awww thats really nice what you just said thank you, im doing CBT at the moment once a week on a friday, but i wont take meds, i dont know why i wont i think its the worry but im going to beat this without the meds, well i hope to lol, if i dont then maybe i will go on them but again thanks so much for that kind comment......Ian

18-10-10, 23:23
No probs :)

19-10-10, 00:04
A good question!...:Dand an impressive commitment to seeking a diagnosis too....thats some list of tests! Its actually quite reassuring. I fluctuate from complete 'cant be arssed/im sick of thinking about these things' to determination to find a diagnosis at all costs. But no nothing registered here!..fine by me I guess.