View Full Version : drinking

18-10-10, 22:32
how many people on here feel anxiety after drinking, and how many drink every night because of anxiety?

18-10-10, 22:35
Drinking used to completely get rid of my anxiety and all my symptoms!
These days it works to help calm me but I'm more anxious than I used to be so it doesn't always help, the next night is horrible though so I've had wine for the past 3 nights just to avoid the effects of coming down off it as it happens the next night for me and anxiety rises loads and I feel crap.

18-10-10, 22:35
its strange coz most ppl say their anxiety decreases after drinking, mine always increases. i dont like the effects of alcohol anymore, they make me panic, and my vision goes all weird, i dont smoke now either, i gave up everything, best way :)

18-10-10, 22:36
I think pretty much everyone feels anxious the day after drinking, a lot of people here
have stopped drinking completely for that reason! I don't drink every night cuz of my anx, I drink less cuz of the day after. My anxiety does subside when I'm drunk though! x

18-10-10, 22:40
i feel a lot more relaxed after a drink :emot-drunk: im ok the next day as long as i havent gone over the top.

18-10-10, 22:41
so, do you think its the drink that causes anxiety or anxiety making us drink to cope with it?

19-10-10, 09:55
Drink definatley causes/worsens anxiety the day after. My friends are completely non anxious people, probably some of the most confident girls you'll ever meet but even they get a bit anxious about things the day after drinking, usually about what they've said and done but I'd still say it was a bit of anxiety! However, for a lot of people drink does temporarily solve the anxiety but only when you're actually drunk in my opinion cuz the minute I start to sober up it kicks in about 10 x as bad as it usually is. Alcohol gives you confidence so it's no wonder it stops anxiety too but I really don't think the aftermath is worth it. x

19-10-10, 10:00
drink makes anxiety ten times as bad the next day....ive been drinking every night for 6 years...ive stopped a few times and then started....drinking helps me feel more relxed,but in time u need more and more...then the next day u will feel crap,so more drink needed.before u know it u will be feeling not good at all most of the time...cut down slowly and and have plenty of time off....im on a stop drinking mission at moment...the withdrawal makes me feel terrible...but im going to carry on....good luck..

19-10-10, 10:27
Other than the inevitable student binges, I've never drunk that much, and certainly not for long periods of time.

The one thing I've noticed though, is that anxiety is definitely worse after drinking much more than about 3-4 units of alcohol, so I stick to that as an upper limit these days, even if I'm partying. I only drink about 3 times a week anyway, and a lot of the time I'll just have one reasonable-sized glass of wine or a cider.

19-10-10, 10:58
I know i drink far too much i used to drink 1 litre of red wine a night my it didnt effect my anxieties then i cut down through alot of will power and determination and i was doing so well for about 4 years then mum got ill and died within 3 months and im back to drinking to much i now drink over about half to one 75cl bottle a night now i know its better than a litre but its still too much but i never felt less anxious when i didnt drink x

19-10-10, 12:28
I think the key word here is moderation. Yes if you neck a bottle of wine or half a bottle of spirits you are going to feel down the next day – that’s what alcohol does. Me I tend to lay of it during the week and at weekends I have a glass of wine of an evening and it does me a power of good.

paula lynne
19-10-10, 12:56
Hi all, alcohol turns to cholesterol in the body overnight, so its another health consideration.............
I agree, moderation is the key.
I turned to alcohol when I was first diagnosed, and with valium, I lost 2 years...I simply cant remember much at all...bad combo.
A lot of people turn to alcohol with anxiety, its very common. It harms us in the end though, so yes, moderation is the way to go.:)

19-10-10, 13:15
Too much alcohol effects my blood sugars too which in turns makes the anxiety worse. Im not diabetic its just how I am.

I used to use wine as a prop for anxiety but in fact giving up, a small amount of meds and some exercise has beter results for coping.

Alcohol also increased my anxities coz i spent so much time worrying about the state of my liver.