View Full Version : Its like a disease!!

19-10-10, 03:26
Hi guys and gals. I am soooo beyond depressed with my weight now, its taken over every aspect of my life, i am 18 stone & only 20 years old...i was only 10 stone 4 years ago. I think about my weight constantly every single day. I'm agoraphobic but i force myself to go for walks, my food in take is ridiculous, i dont understand how to eat properly & my doctors are useless. I can't stop crying i feel so alone. I tried to find other sites but there's mainly hate pages dedicated to hating on bigger people. Can anyone help :'( Xxx

19-10-10, 09:45
Aw juicey, I've put on about a stone since my anxiety so please don't think you're alone! If you don't like to go out to exercise have you tried the Wii Fit? I think I would have put on about 5 stone if it wasn't for that! It records how much calories you've burned and you can set up little exercise routines depending on what you need. Like say if you've gone and eaten loads of stuff there's an exercise routein for over indulgence, even one for relaxation! There's yoga too which is GREAT for anxiety and breathing. There's games on there too so you don't even realise you're exercising cuz its fun :D

I saw a link another member posted on a thread the other day that's suppossed to help you control your food intake, and a few other members are dieting together I think! You might find that useful so you can really see you're not alone. I would have joined in too but I'm bad at sticking to diets!

Here's the thread http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=82875
and here's the food website http://www.foodfocus.co.uk/

As for the hate pages, PLEASE don't take any notice of them. Every girl is beautiful, no matter what she looks like! Only way to be ugly is on the inside hun, and I can tell you're not. Chin up, you're definatley not the only person in the world that feels like this! xxx

19-10-10, 10:08
Hi there

I suppose this depends on what you think would work best for you. Most of us that weigh more than we want to (and I count myself in that as I always weigh a couple of stone more than I should) have to find the right ways of getting the result that we want - do we want to just do it ourselves, or do we want support from other people?

There are lots of ways out there, so it depends on what you think will fit it with what you know about yourself. But the big issue is, you have to REALLY WANT to do something about it, and be prepared to change things. What happens to a lot of people who lose weight is that they can do it for a while, then they either get bored or don't really want to keep up with healthy eating, and of course they put the weight back on.

First of all, if your GP hasn't been any help, have you thought about signing up with another one? If you find someone a bit more sympathetic, that could help a lot, as he/she could refer you to a specialist.

If you don't mind joining in with a group, there are organisations like Weight Watchers and Slimming World, but I'm quite introverted and I never fancied this approach. Also if you're agoraphobic you might find this difficult.

You could get a book about healthy eating (there are loads and loads on Amazon, and you could even pick up a cheap second hand copy if you haven't got much money) and use one of the really simple methods like calorie counting. Calorie counting works for lots of people as long as you're really honest about what you're eating, as if you take in less than you need, you'll lose weight.

Put simply, healthy eating is about eating a good variety of foods with the emphasis on not taking in too much fat or sugar - or "empty" calories like alcohol. The big problem with healthy eating though, is that for most of us it mean depriving ourselves of something or other that we really like. This is a bummer and there doesn't seem to be any easy way around it, I'm afraid.

Getting out for walks is a brilliant start; try going a bit further every day and it will help the agoraphobia and your weight at the same time.

19-10-10, 11:03
Your not alone - I am 4 stones overweight. I have had a weight problem all my life - I am very like my grandmother to look at and she had a weight problem all her life so there is a genetic element but its only the tendency to be overweight not an excuse for me. Just to make matters worse I have an underactive thryoid ( have you been tested for this as I put on about a stone before mine was diagnosed) and although i take my medication my GP has told me that my metabolism will not return to its previous state ( it was almost none existant before!!!!!!).
My worst problem is that I get attacks of compulsive eating so I can say lose half as tone over 3 weeks but I do have to be very good with my eating as the thryoid means I have to eat much less than most people to lose weight, then one day I will get terrible urge to binge eat and just one episode of overeating can put 5lbs back on and I am back to square one again.
If you want a diet buddy then you can email me via this site and I can send you my email address and we could encourage each other.

19-10-10, 11:42
I've put on 3.7 stone since January, this year. I do feel a bit down, especially because I used to be size 10/12!

Part of this weight gain could in my case be put down to side effects from medication, and part from being hospitalised, stuck lying on a bed for 8months. Well, that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it! :winks:

Honey, I too have agoraphobia, and what with panic, and weight issues, everything seems as if I'm going round in a never-ending circle. A usually bubbly person, this has begun to affect my self-confidence. But I know that it is up to me, if I really want to get out out of this rut.

I've joined with all the other forum members who are dieting...so why not join us?

You're doing all the correct things, so if you carry on slowly, but surely your weight should start to shift. Easier said than done, eh?

If you need to chat, PM me, I'm always here...

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

22-10-10, 01:59
Thanks all for the very kind messages, really cheered me. Have since writing that last message got myself some new make up, had my eyebrows waxed (bloody ouch lol) and had a new hairstyle done to try and boost my confidence a bit, it helps a little but not much. I would LOVE to give the wii a go lots of people have said its a life saver but unfortunatly i'm not finacialy able to get one at the moment. I'm trying to stick to a good diet of lots of fruit and veg ect at the moment, i only drink fresh hot lemon no fizzy drinks ect so i guess time will tell if i can stick to it this time. Many thanks for giving me a boost guys your all amazing Xxxxx