View Full Version : Never Existed??

19-10-10, 03:53
Hi Everyone, sorry if this is posted in the wrong section..

I am not sure what to think, for the past few days I have been feeling great (not complaining, especially since I have been going through this since Aug/2010), and no meds (nvr wanted to start any, only using Lorazepam on an as needed basis) and its almost like my anxiety/panic attacks was all a dream (wished they were) My last panic attack was about 2 Wednesdays ago, I have had a few anxiety attacks that with calming myself down never reached the Panic Stage and lasted minutes.

I have my first Therapy session on Thursday, so hopefully that goes well, as for my Attacks, I am not going to hold my breath, but so far so good....and wanted to thank many on here who have been there for me, when I needed them, I will always continue to use this site, and not saying goodbye...cause I know I may have still a long way to go with my issues..but takes time....and Its more comforting and reassuring to read others posts who are going through what I am, if not worse...

Thank You

19-10-10, 10:37
Hi honey, Your post should belong to the "Success Story" sub-forum, because that is what it is...

It really made me smile, when I read how well you were doing.

Thanks for sharing with us all...and I hope that you carry on the road to a full recovery...

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

paula lynne
19-10-10, 11:37
Hi Estranged...may you continue on your road to wellness...well done and all the very best to you.xx:hugs:

19-10-10, 13:55
Hi everyone ,
I was a little hesitant on putting it in the success stories only because I'm not sure of how successful this really will be if its like the calm before the storm, but will post report one there even if it's temp (which I hope not)

Thank You again


19-10-10, 16:41
I think you are doing really well, long may it last.:D