View Full Version : Can't Stand This!!!!! Losing it bigtime ,Do you have these symptoms too?

19-10-10, 04:29
If so please tell me.. I have been dealing with anxiety for years and can't for the life of me remember ever feeling like this. Slept terrible last night .my jaws hurt when I laid down and rested my head on them. I didn't sleep well.

Today out of the blue there felt like a pressure on the hinges of my jaws up into my head and under my ears. My ears were stopped up and my throat tight and my face has been feeling like its tight all day.

The pain shifted to my throat now which feels constricted like I can't breathe
and I still have a little tightness around my head ,hoping I don't have it when
I try to sleep. All though this my heart rate has been ok and my temp normal but the pressure shifting all over my head on the sides and the back and my throat is really freaking me out. Anyone else have this?

19-10-10, 10:21
ive had these symptoms on and off and yes its anxiety because ive woke up with it in the morning and then i have it for days and the pain is exactly how you describe its horrible x

19-10-10, 11:17
Hi, I tend to clench my jaw a lot when feeling very anxious...

I'm sure that you're experiencing symptoms of anxiety, but it may be that you're beginning with a nasty 'flu virus?

See how things pan out, but seek medical advice if you can't ease your mind to rest.,.

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

20-10-10, 04:54
Thanks so very much I really appreciate it..For the life of me I could not figure out if I was anxious and if so for what,then realized that we went to buy a car today and guess it was a biggy although I didn't think it was,it must have been. Thanks again I so do appreciate your input..You are very kind. Michael

22-10-10, 14:15
I have had these symptoms for nearly three months. I feel like I'm getting flu but it never gets worse. I feel alot of pressure in the bones of my face and behind my ears and eyes and I was actually treated for sinusitis but I don't think I had it.
The Doctor says it's caused by anxiety - inflammation from all the adrenaline.
I don't quite understand it all but I have to accept his word otherwise I feel even more anxious worrying about what I may have!!
It helps to know that my symptoms are worse when I'm anxious and when I feel calm they almost disappear.
I hope yours do too.