View Full Version : So scared swollen mouth please help :( !!!

~glowly worm~
19-10-10, 07:26
Hi please help,

have had sore throat for 2 days and lunder weather but felt unable to sleep last night and nauseous and now tongue ha swollen. had throat infections last yr cud this be another... so scare dit smor ehtan that and that it may e soemthing worse Plase help...am so scared to evn hon the doctor incase it means theres soemthing rally wrong but i know i should. Shaking with far and have a compulsory class in morning, realy dont want to o, so scard and worried it will make health worse. Might sound ridiculous but i just want to go home (at uni at mo) or have my mum take care of me. Please help...what can i do???

19-10-10, 09:25
Hi there

If you've got a bad sore throat, then it can sometimes make the back of your tongue swollen. I've had this several times myself. First of all, try taking some paracetamol or ibuprofen, as it will help relieve the soreness and swelling. If these don't work, then make an appointment with the college doctor, and he/she will be able to take a look. Alternatively, you could pop along to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to take a look at your throat, as he/she will be able to advise you whether or not it would be a good idea to go to the doctor.

Most bad throats are caused by viruses though, which means that taking antibiotics won't make any difference. The only time you really need antibiotics for a bad throat is if you have tonsillitis, as that's a bacterial infection that will respond to them.

Don't worry, you'll live!!! :)