View Full Version : health before HA??

~glowly worm~
19-10-10, 07:56
Hey there,

Im just wondering whether anyone's health ws really good before their HA appeared or got beofre HA increased?
Had one period of time when felt ontop of it and really healthy, was neer ill in that time whereas now i get ill so often it really interferes with my life. My fear is ifif dont worry i will be ill but it seems worrying is making it happen..anyone got thoughts on this?? Were u healtheir B4 you worried about it too? Or healthy i the periods where u are less panicky?

Thankyou..glowly xx

paula lynne
19-10-10, 11:34
Morning glowy
Before I had panic and anxiety, the only thing I suffered with were migraine. Worrying about other things never made them appear..........
Now that Ive got anx and agoraphobia, Ive got a list of symptoms as long as your arm, and worrying about things seem to make them worse.
Just goes to show the mind is a powerful and dangerous thing!:wacko:

19-10-10, 17:17
I never used to worry about my health until I started having Panic attacks and then HA. I never really got ill, not even with colds or flu's but now I notice every snuffle and cough and have a hefty length of symptoms. Oh to just go back to the times when I didn't really care...

tracey c
19-10-10, 17:46
I never had any worries until hit by this in April. I was really active before - active job, loads of exercise. Since April done nothing as feel too ill and also on modified duties at work as can't do my job! I want my life back!!:hugs:

19-10-10, 18:12
I've always had health problems. In fact it was the culmination of these problems that led to the anxiety. I was convinced for years that I had something wrong that the doctors weren't finding. Looking back now that's classic HA behaviour, but it stemmed from real problems.
I've finally let it all go and realised that there probably isn't anything much wrong with me other than my pre existing health problems.
I wish it hadn't taken me 10 years to get to this point though lol

19-10-10, 21:39
I was always healthy before the HA. Never took time off work in fact one company I worked for for ten years I never had one day of sick, somewhere here I have a certificate from my secondary school that says I never had one day off in the five years I was there. My HA started after my daughter was ill with quite a rare infection of her clavicle (collar bone). Not to go into too much detail and to cut a long story short the healing process took two years and involved some quite invasive treatment and as a house husband I saw her through it all. Since then I have had anxiety and HA which came on as soon as my daughter had been given the all clear – my doctor says this is not unusual apparently. Anyway since then I have been back and forth to the docs with every imaginable disease known to man the only one to be confirmed though is anxiety.

~glowly worm~
18-12-10, 19:02
Hi guys,

sorry took me so long to get back...uni non stop..
But its been really helpful reading your posts and larning about your experiences.

Groundhog that sounds like the worst experience to have to go through- sorry to hear about that but also totally understandable u worry so much now :( hope u find the support u need to recover as soon as you can, really thinking of you and rooting for you x

Vicky does this mean you thoght u had other things but now no longer worry aout your health? As a result have you felt better physicaly despite the horrible real symptoms? Which m very sorry you had/ have :( And if so what would you say helped you recover the most?

Tracey, sorry to hear you cant work :( Similar to the others i hop u manage to find the support that helps you find out why it happened or if you kwno why that helps you reach recovery x

Ella Jayne, thankyou for your reply..i wonder hwo we CAN go back to those tiems without worrying about it? Im going to try find out and if u get any joy your end please could you let me know? Thankyou and htinking of you :)

Paula Lynne, you are right! It seems the mind is key to lots of things...

Hope to keep this thread going as its great finding support for the thought that im not the only one who was made physically ill by woryying about being physically ill...now to find out a way of returning to mind and body health without worrying about it..in fact i might start a new post x

Thankyou all so much again for your support...keep fighting!

Love and warm hugs... ~ glowly~

18-12-10, 23:54
I've always worried about my health, since I was very young. I can remember quite distinctly the BSE and vCJD scares in the early nineties - I was between about six and eight - too young to really understand, but old enough to see it on the news and be frightened. I remember being so scared that I had the disease, even after my mum explained to me that people got it by eating diseased meat, and we were vegetarians.

I've had scares like that on and off througout my life, but I've had constant HA since a few years ago (I've managed to pinpoint it) after I made myself quite ill on excessive caffeine consumption (three litres of Tesco energy drink - equivalent to twelve cans of Red Bull) in one night whilst trying to meet a coursework deadline. I felt the after-effects of the caffeine for days, and that triggered a two month long HA obsession, that lead straight into another, and another, and well, here I am.

Our minds are extremely powerful, Glowly. If we spend enough time convincing ourselves we are ill, then we feel ill. Good luck breaking that cycle.

19-12-10, 00:02
I've always worried about my health - I spent the vast majority of my baby years in hospitals due to bad milk allergy.. Doctors were always around us too as my mum had mental health issues and spent every day mon-fri in hospital - and when she was at home she'd end up taking fits and gping to A&E - so medical stuff and me seem to be paired together.. I spent lot of time in and out during my childhood with a broken leg at age 7, was taken in by ambulance once at age 4 with dehydration (still remember GP calling 999 - horrible, they couldn't find a vein in me so had to get blood from my heel, I was screaming and so they held each limb down and jabbed me!!*).. had an op on my adenoids at age 7 too then a further op at 15 to get 4 teeth out. And have had continual assesments/OT for dyspraxia since age 8... So me and hospitals have always gone together, I do wonder if that's made me the way I am today, or at least played a role in it..

*GP did confirm years later that this is an example of pretty bad practice but said there was probably little anyone could do to prevent the situation from going the way it did - was a nasty night though to say the least!!