View Full Version : scared of getting cervical cancer!!!!!!!!!!

19-10-10, 09:26
hi im am so scared of getting cervical cancer after i lost my friend to it 6 years ago i am 33 and i also have my smear tests on time etc i have never had any abnormal results so i know i should be ok but
i have just had a period and im still getting like period pains and all across the bottom of my back is really uncomfortable at times and im scared that i have something wrong
i dreamt that i would die at 35 of cervical cancer and im petrified i have it
its like ive already been diagnosed with it i hate it why cant i just get on with my life instead of constantly worrying that im going to die and not see my children grow up:weep::weep:

19-10-10, 09:36
Hi Ellie

You're already doing the best thing that you could possibly do, which is always going for screening on time. The tests are pretty accurate these days, and there are so many safeguards if anything even a tiny bit abnormal is picked up. Have you spoken to your GP about your worry? Or it might be worth going to have a chat with someone at a Wellwoman clinic about it, as they might be able to help put your mind at rest about it.