View Full Version : More worried about MND now!!

19-10-10, 10:34
I have just come back from the doctors after having a blood test and it says on the screen "MND is unlikely but possible and will be kept in mind" :weep:


19-10-10, 10:43
Did you mention that you're worried about it? Cuz they could be investigating it just to put your mind at ease. x

19-10-10, 10:45
Sorry Eggy :weep:

If you read the screen, and you've been so worried about MND, why didn't you confront your GP about their possible findings?

Try to smile...

Sue x

19-10-10, 10:46
Sorry Eggy :weep:

If you read the screen, and you've been so worried about MND, why didn't you confront your GP about their possible findings?

Try to smile...

Sue x

Because i was seeing a nurse for a blood test, I am seeing my doctor later.

19-10-10, 10:57
Because i was seeing a nurse for a blood test, I am seeing my doctor later.

Well, whatever happens when you see your GP later, I'll be thinking of you, and wishing you all the best.

Take care honey,

Sue x

19-10-10, 13:43
Well I'm sure they have noted your concerns about MND and are just being cautious which is a good thing.

Let us know what the doctor said anyway.

19-10-10, 13:46
Well, whatever happens when you see your GP later, I'll be thinking of you, and wishing you all the best.

Take care honey,

Sue x

Thanks Sue,

Well my doctor didn't say much, I tried to get them to refer me to a Neurologist but they wouldn't well not at this present moment in time anyway.

19-10-10, 13:55
Well my doctor didn't say much, I tried to get them to refer me to a Neurologist but they wouldn't well not at this present moment in time anyway.

Did you ask why they wouldn't refer you to a neurologist as you're worrying so much about the symptoms you're getting?

Did you also mention the chest pain and possible acid reflux/indigestion as they could have given you something for it?

Glad you asked to up your dose of Cipralex - let's hope it helps Eggy.

19-10-10, 14:18
Did you ask why they wouldn't refer you to a neurologist as you're worrying so much about the symptoms you're getting?

Did you also mention the chest pain and possible acid reflux/indigestion as they could have given you something for it?

Glad you asked to up your dose of Cipralex - let's hope it helps Eggy.

I forgot to mention my chest pain but i have been referred to someone.

19-10-10, 14:54
Did you ask why they wouldn't refer you to a neurologist as you're worrying so much about the symptoms you're getting?

Did you also mention the chest pain and possible acid reflux/indigestion as they could have given you something for it?

Glad you asked to up your dose of Cipralex - let's hope it helps Eggy.

Also about a month ago i was given Omeprazole but as i was worried about the side effects i never took it, It was just a months course i think it was because i was complaining of abdominal pain but the GP never said it was for Acid Reflux but do you think i should take it for the month's course? The doctor never asked if i actually took it for the month or not.

Now i am taking Cipralex would it be safe to take it? Although thinking about it i am sure that the doctor prescribed the Cipralex and the Omeprazole at the same time.

19-10-10, 14:57
The quickest way to double check about drug interactions (i.e. whether they are safe to be taken at the same time) is to ask your pharmacist. They have comprehensive knowledge about how drugs work and will be able to tell you in a minute or two.

Did you mention your anxiety? You really have to do this as otherwise, to be honest, you're not giving your doctor the whole picture of how you are - which won't help you, or them.

19-10-10, 14:58
Also about a month ago i was given Omeprazole but as i was worried about the side effects i never took it, It was just a months course i think it was because i was complaining of abdominal pain but the GP never said it was for Acid Reflux but do you think i should take it for the month's course? The doctor never asked if i actually took it for the month or not.

Now i am taking Cipralex would it be safe to take it? Although thinking about it i am sure that the doctor prescribed the Cipralex and the Omeprazole at the same time.

It would be fine taking them together but as you have been referred to see someone else I think it'd be better to wait till then.

19-10-10, 15:28
Hi Eggy,

“I have just come back from the doctors after having a blood test and it says on the screen "MND is unlikely but possible and will be kept in mind"”

Try not to read too much into it. Was it actually meant for you to read or was it something you overlooked? It’s most likely an innocent note from one doctor to another simply acknowledging the fact that he’s taken on board the comments about MND, that’s all.

“Well my doctor didn't say much, I tried to get them to refer me to a Neurologist but they wouldn't well not at this present moment in time anyway.”

In a way that’s good news because if your doctor had any doubts at all, he’d refer you for further tests. If he suspected something but ignored it, he’d later find himself in deep sh... – a lot of trouble – and there’s no way he’d want to risk that.

Take care :)

19-10-10, 16:03
Did you bother to mention to your doctor that the Omeprazole that was prescribed for you wasn't taken?

If he gives you medication for something then he assumes you will take it-it's up to you to tell him if you haven't!

As regards to what you saw on the screen..you have raised this issue repeatedly with them so it's obvious that they are going to make a note of it but you appear to not be happy that they have done this.

Not quite sure what it is you want Eggy?

19-10-10, 16:11
The quickest way to double check about drug interactions (i.e. whether they are safe to be taken at the same time) is to ask your pharmacist. They have comprehensive knowledge about how drugs work and will be able to tell you in a minute or two.

Did you mention your anxiety? You really have to do this as otherwise, to be honest, you're not giving your doctor the whole picture of how you are - which won't help you, or them.

I think it's ok anyway as i remember Cipralex & Omeprazole being prescribed at the same time, What put me off taking the Omeprazole was the following:-

This may increase the levels of Cipralex in your blood.

This may increase the risk of pneumonia.

My doctor knows how concerned i am about my current health problems and symptoms, They said let us doctors do the worrying about your health.

19-10-10, 16:14
Hi Eggy,

“I have just come back from the doctors after having a blood test and it says on the screen "MND is unlikely but possible and will be kept in mind"”

Try not to read too much into it. Was it actually meant for you to read or was it something you overlooked? It’s most likely an innocent note from one doctor to another simply acknowledging the fact that he’s taken on board the comments about MND, that’s all.

“Well my doctor didn't say much, I tried to get them to refer me to a Neurologist but they wouldn't well not at this present moment in time anyway.”

In a way that’s good news because if your doctor had any doubts at all, he’d refer you for further tests. If he suspected something but ignored it, he’d later find himself in deep sh... – a lot of trouble – and there’s no way he’d want to risk that.

Take care :)

Hi Nigel,

It wasn't meant for me to read, I was in the nurse's room having my blood test done and i was next to the computer so i had a quick look at my medical notes on the screen and discovered what it had said.

I see what you mean about referring me, They are still sort of considering it but obviously they aren't in any rush as i asked about it but they didn't say they would refer me, They said to see the Gastroentrologist first.

19-10-10, 16:16
Did you bother to mention to your doctor that the Omeprazole that was prescribed for you wasn't taken?

If he gives you medication for something then he assumes you will take it-it's up to you to tell him if you haven't!

As regards to what you saw on the screen..you have raised this issue repeatedly with them so it's obvious that they are going to make a note of it but you appear to not be happy that they have done this.

Not quite sure what it is you want Eggy?

No i didn't mention it because i wasn't asked.

I have only raised the MND issue once with the doctor, I understand they need to make notes i expect that of course but I didn't expect it to say on the screen "MND unlikely but possible will keep in mind".

Something like "Concerned about MND but do not think that is the cause of symptoms" would have been better as they are not ruling it out.

19-10-10, 16:24
“It wasn't meant for me to read, I was in the nurse's room having my blood test done and i was next to the computer so i had a quick look...”

See... :winks:

“Something like "Concerned about MND but do not think that is the cause of symptoms" would have been better...”

And I’m sure that’s the kind of wording that would be used for the patient.

I used to write little notes and reminders to myself or work colleague on our work tickets that weren’t meant for customers’ eyes. Those notes would’ve been similarly misleading to anybody else.


19-10-10, 16:32
I echo what Nigel has said above but do feel that you need to take a bit more responsibility..why would the doctor ask if you had taken it?

Unless you told him that you were worried about the side effects then he isn't a mind reader, it is down to you to explain that you haven't had your medication.

Given the fact that you have had a referral to Gastroenterology I think it might be quite important that you mention it :winks:

19-10-10, 16:34
I echo what Nigel has said above but do feel that you need to take a bit more responsibility..why would the doctor ask if you had taken it?

Unless you told him that you were worried about the side effects then he isn't a mind reader, it is down to you to explain that you haven't had your medication.

Given the fact that you have had a referral to Gastroenterology I think it might be quite important that you mention it :winks:

I won't be seeing the Gastroentrologist for about another 5 weeks i don't think so i will take the month's course of Omeprazole and can mention it to them when i see them at the hospital.

19-10-10, 16:37
Hi Nigel,

It wasn't meant for me to read, I was in the nurse's room having my blood test done and i was next to the computer so i had a quick look at my medical notes on the screen and discovered what it had said.

Never a good idea :winks: trust me, I've glanced at mine and it's not always great, if it was meant for you to see they'd be showing it to you is what I always tell myself! :) hope you feel better soon, I've got omeprazole and I'm not taking it either - thankfully my doctor is always really understanding about these things, they can only help if you tell them remember :) good luck!x

19-10-10, 17:07
I have just come back from the doctors after having a blood test and it says on the screen "MND is unlikely but possible and will be kept in mind" :weep:


If your doc thought that you could have MND or another neurological problem he would refer you to a neurologist.

19-10-10, 17:34
If your doc thought that you could have MND or another neurological problem he would refer you to a neurologist.

I was thinking the same baileys, Surely they wouldn't keep on dithering and dithering like they are? They don't seem to know what to do or what is causing my symptoms hence being referred to a Gastroentrologist and a Chronic Fatigue Specialist and a referral to a Neurologist hasn't been ruled out.

19-10-10, 21:59
Just wanted to say good luck eggy. Sounds like the docs are finally taking you seriously and doing something about this! You have real symptoms (gosh, havent we all) and whether it be anxiety or not, it proves they are now listening as you have a referral :) Might not be a neuro, but that will come later! (and trust me, if u had MND, you would know about it, and most certainly by time u get a referral!).

I went to my docs time and time again, about heart and brain issues. I am now having my echocardiogram (heart scan) next week, and my doc said he'll refer me to a neuro if my heart scan is normal. So im finally getting somewhere! Its hard waiting around in between referrals/appointments, but during that time, just think 'ok im getting the right help, they are doing something!' and be positive :) And i always think to myself that if i really did have something wrong, i would know about it, thats what gets me through.

I read loadsa posts on MedHelp from people who really DO have ms/mnd/cancers etc... and my god... going by what some of them have said, when u have a serious illness, theres no Um'ing and ah'ing... you know. Fact. and so do the docs.

Youve got referral, and its all uphill from now hun :) Smile and relax! :)