View Full Version : High testosterone in women, PCOS ruled out

19-10-10, 14:13
I'm currently having quite alot of gynecological problems,e.g. irregular, long and very frequent periods, mild cervical cell changes, pain on intercourse and bleeding afterwards, excssive discharge and internal redness etc. This prompted blood tests and a vaginal ultrasound, which have raised further questions for me but yielded no answers as to the cause of the gynecogical problems!!

One things the blood tests did show particularly was elevated testosterone levels above the normal level for women, so my doc assumed PCOS based on this and my other symptoms, as well as the fact I have adult acne and some abnormal hair growth on chin and chest. However, the ultrasound showed what my doc said were perfect textbook examples of how ovaries should look, they were not enlarged at all and the bumps they have looked exactly as they should. She said they showed no signs of PCOS (this is one case she said that was really clear could not be PCOS) or infact any signs of anything abnormal. As well as worrying therefore whats causing my gynecological problems Im now worried whats causing the high testosterone levels, all google suggests is PCOS or adrenal cancer!!! The symptoms given for adrenal cancer are spectacularly vague and many websites site the only noticeable symptom as often being a particular hormone showing signs of being elevated!! Im now pretty spooked I have this type of cancer.... does anyone know any other causes of high testosterone in women or have it and its nothing at all....

19-10-10, 15:27
Well I have slightly high levels of testosterone and have done all my life - I also have the hairy chin since my 20's ( not that you would know I deal with it!) and I do not have PCOS and I do not have adrenal cancer as this was one thing I worried about because when I am anxious I get very fast heartbeat up to 140bpm and this can also be a sign of adrenal cancer so I ahd the 24hr urine sample test to rule out an adrenal cancer and my test was completely normal.

Are you overweight at all as apparently being alot overweight can cause the slightly raised testosterone hence the fat woman with a beard scenario!

Are you old enough to be perimenopausal which would give you all the symptoms you describe???

19-10-10, 15:34
Im 26 so dont think could be pre-menopausal unless Im one of those random people that develops the menopause extremely early. Im very slim and at the lowest end of my ideal BMI, ive been slightly underweight all my life as Im a very fussy eater but have never had the complication of missed periods they've also been so darn frequent and long mostly.

19-10-10, 18:00
I have since read that some women are still diagnosed with PCOS if they have alot of other symptoms as I seem to, but the ultrasound shows their ovaries are normal... is this possible?? One ovary was slightly bigger than the other, she called one a 3 and the other a 5, and its supposed to be 10 or over is abnormal, but is the difference in size possibly anything?

20-10-10, 13:13
I have been told I have pcos,my ovaries are fine.They said its poly cystic ovary syndrome.All the symptoms and higher levels of testosterone.

I am over wieght but haven't always been,and I was told if I can lose some this will help the symptoms settle down.

You can have the symptoms without the cysts.

20-10-10, 14:24
Your symptons are mine too! Although I dont believe I have had any abnormal blood results. Afer bleeding/heavy periods for a few years I have suddenly stopped bleeding for the past two months, however I am spotting every day. My doctor believes it is a sign of my stress the contributes to my abnormal periods. Ho hum! Sometimes I think it would be easier to get rid off them completely and I am looking into ways - however I am older and had children so more than an option for me but likely not for you. Anyway, just wanted you to know you are not alone :) x

20-10-10, 16:10
I had spotting for a few months when I was 19. They never got to the bottom of it. My doctor said it was due to emotional stress. I also had irregular periods (not hugely irregular but not my normal cycle either), i felt sick all the time, I lost loads of weight (went down to around 6.5 stone) and I had lots of discharge. I was going through a very anxious time and my body just went doolally as a result!

I'm not sure what the high testosterone would mean. Your doctor will advise you though...they know better than us + google! :) Hope you feel better soon hon.

Xxxx Moonlight Xxxx