View Full Version : Been referred to a Gastroentrologist

19-10-10, 14:27
I got a letter through the post today saying that something on my blood tests have remained slightly abnormal and that i have been referred to a Gastroentrologist.

I had no idea this was planned it's come completely out of the blue, The letter was dated a week ago, I presume this is the kind of thing you get seen quickly for?

I know it's to do with the stomach and Esophagus, I'll start worrying about Esophagus and Stomach Cancer again now :weep:

I presume i'm going to have to have a camera down my throat?

19-10-10, 15:23
Don't worry if you do have to have a gastroscopy - just insist on being sedated and you won't know a thing about it - the sedation is great!

19-10-10, 17:11
Don't worry if you do have to have a gastroscopy - just insist on being sedated and you won't know a thing about it - the sedation is great!

Thanks, I will definitely insist on being sedated without a doubt.

19-10-10, 17:12
MND is my number 1 worry but now as i have been referred to a Gastroentrologist i am going to start worrying about Esophagus Cancer, Stomach Cancer and Throat Cancer because of my problems swallowing.

19-10-10, 17:28
If you have an endoscopy then dont worry about it, they normally load you up with diazepam and quite a lot of it (at least they did with me).

Also if it was something urgent remember they wouldnt refer you on - instead they would make an appointment. A GI referral can take a few months.

19-10-10, 17:33
If you have an endoscopy then dont worry about it, they normally load you up with diazepam and quite a lot of it (at least they did with me).

Also if it was something urgent remember they wouldnt refer you on - instead they would make an appointment. A GI referral can take a few months.

Thanks, So your saying if they suspected something bad i would be seen in a week or two?

19-10-10, 18:15
Thanks, So your saying if they suspected something bad i would be seen in a week or two?

Definitely. They'd have you up the hospital ASAP. To give you an example, a little boy in my neighbourhood had blood tests done in a&e recently and they discovered he had leukemia - he was transferred immediately to the Royal Marsden hospital, literally 3 hours later and he was there. Try not to jump to the worst conclusion. There are lots of benign conditions that warrant referral, such as gastritis. It's far more likely that you have something benign than cancerous.

19-10-10, 18:34
i am waiting for this test because of 4 months of stomach problems. i had one 3 years ago and it showed NOTHING whatsoever but this time i am getting really bad pains and acid.

i must pat myself on the back here lol and say it was very brave and did NOT have sedation! not a nice experience but totally copeable with and literally takes less than a minute!

19-10-10, 21:48
uw du deffo be referred as a matter of URGENCY if they suspected any kind of cancer. keep this is mind. 99% of blood tests abnormalities are down to the body fighting off an infection or inflammation, nuffin to worry about. They would know if u had cancer or disease of any kind, as the bloods would show this up immediately. Relax :)

07-11-10, 11:43
I wasn't expecting to be seen until next year but my doctor has said i now need to be seen by a Gastroentrologist a.s.a.p and that it cannot wait, I'm dreading it because i am likely to have an Endoscopy to examine my Esophagus and Stomach, Especially as i have been having problems swallowing and stomach discomfort and pain for over 2 months now.

07-11-10, 12:13
The procedure is painless Eggy ,they put you out .It doesnt take long .You wake up with a cup of tea and get the results the same day . Sue x

07-11-10, 12:25
The procedure is painless Eggy ,they put you out .It doesnt take long .You wake up with a cup of tea and get the results the same day . Sue x

Thanks Sue, That's ok then, Do they put you out completely or are you sort of awake? I didn't realise you got the results the same day.

I'm not sure how long it's going to be but my doctor has got onto them saying i need to be seen a.s.a.p now so i can't imagine it will be longer than 2-3 weeks at the most.

paula lynne
07-11-10, 12:29
Good luck eggy. You will be out for the count.
Are you still having blood in stools?

07-11-10, 12:30
Good luck eggy. You will be out for the count.
Are you still having blood in stools?

No i had it twice and it's stopped since.

07-11-10, 13:04
Eggy, they will most likely want to do an endoscopy but remember this is an initial consultation. The swallowing thing and stomach pain sounds like reflux or gastritis to me, both of which are very manageable with medications.

If you have any questions or want to just talk I am on your facebook or you can message me here.

07-11-10, 13:04
i am having my endoscopy on wednesday! i am choosing NOT to have sedation - i have had one before and although its not nice - it is copeable with. i would hate to be put out for anything - i like to know what is going on lol!

also - my gp told me - and it says in my letter - that if you have sedation - you are not given the results before you leave in case you are a bit woozy and do not remember what was said etc whereas if you are not sedated - they tell you before you leave the room.

eggy - if they thought you had something terrible - they would have had you in for an endoscopy weeks ago. my referral has taken around 6 weeks so not sure why you thought it would be after xmas because you mentioned having to have this test quite a few weeks ago so in a few weeks time will also be around 6 weeks for you?

07-11-10, 13:07
I think your doctor is asking for the test Eggy so they can rule out lots of things. I've never had one, but if they knock you out hopefully it won't be too uncomfortable.

Good luck with the test, let us know how it goes cause we'll be thinking about you.:hugs:

07-11-10, 13:08
Eggy, they will most likely want to do an endoscopy but remember this is an initial consultation. The swallowing thing and stomach pain sounds like reflux or gastritis to me, both of which are very manageable with medications.

If you have any questions or want to just talk I am on your facebook or you can message me here.

Yes they will definitely do one with me having problems that could be related to the esohagus as well as the stomach and now i have found out about having low B12 levels which can be caused by the digestive system not absorbing it properly as i eat plenty of eggs, meat, cheese and drink a lot of milk plus i take 2 lots of vitamins so something is preventing my body getting enough B12.

07-11-10, 13:11
you could have a mild case of pernicious anemia then - this can make you feel really ill and give all sorts of wierd symptoms - my grandad had it and so does my cousin - but it is easily treated by b12 injections. that's the trouble with anxiety - it is really difficult to know when we are truly ill!

07-11-10, 13:14
you could have a mild case of pernicious anemia then - this can make you feel really ill and give all sorts of wierd symptoms - my grandad had it and so does my cousin - but it is easily treated by b12 injections. that's the trouble with anxiety - it is really difficult to know when we are truly ill!

Yeah, that's why my GP wants me to see the Gastro as soon as, It's really being pushed forward now, I know i may have to have injections but my levels aren't really low but they are slightly low, The GP said they will seek advice from the Gastro before seeing them and if the Gastro wants me to have the injections before i go to see them then the GP will do them.

07-11-10, 17:18
another cousin of mine has slightly low b12 levels but its to do with being cealic? gluten intolerant - she had all sorts of digestive problems too which cleared up in weeks after she started a gluten free diet. either way eggy - its nothing that cannot be resolved x

07-11-10, 17:43
another cousin of mine has slightly low b12 levels but its to do with being cealic? gluten intolerant - she had all sorts of digestive problems too which cleared up in weeks after she started a gluten free diet. either way eggy - its nothing that cannot be resolved x

Been tested for Coeliac Disease already so it's down to something else.

05-12-10, 11:33
Still haven't got an appointment for the Gastroentrologist despite being referred on 11th October and despite being told 4-5 weeks ago by my GP that after my B12 results I would need to be seen a.s.a.p, My doctors were supposed to have chased it up with the hospital and rang me a week and a half ago and they didn't.

09-12-10, 15:54
Finally got my appointment but it's a long time yet, 3rd week of January.

09-12-10, 20:14
Your doctor would be getting you in straight away if he really thought something was sinister..To leave it til 3rd week of Janurary must be a good sign! He's maybe being saying asap because he sees the distress you're in and also so he can get you the available treatmen tha tyou need.but not for something horrible.Please let us kno whow you get on xxx Amy xx

13-01-11, 11:15
Only 4 days now until i go to see the Gastroentrologist, Getting really nervous about it now.

13-01-11, 11:58
Hey Eggy - you managed the ENT appointment really well, you will be fine with the gastro appointment too. Your GP has already pretty much ruled out anything sinister, so hopefully you'll get an IBS diagnosis, and then you can learn how to manage it. It's natural to feel nervous - but at least you will get the answers you are seeking, and tick off all your boxes.


17-01-11, 17:26
Been to see the Gastroentrologist today, My GP's ****ed up by the looks of it.

They spoke to me about my symptoms and they said they think i have Crohns Disease on the basis of:-

1.Because of the area of my pains.
2.Because of the Inflammation markers on my blood tests.
3.Because of my Vitamin B12 Deficiency.
4.Because of my intermittent Diarrhoea.

I have to have a Colonoscopy in 6-7 weeks and also an MRI of the Small Bowel in the next 4-6 weeks and i go back to see them in 3 months time.

They were an experienced Gastroentrologist with 15-20 years experience and that was his opinion.

Now not long ago my GP said i could rule out things like Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis, I will be having words with my GP tomorrow I should sue them! I never trust doctors and that proves why, I trust Specialists but no-one else.

It looks like i will now be on Vitamin B12 Injections for life as well.

17-01-11, 17:32
Glad you are getting some help and good luck for the tests :yesyes:

17-01-11, 18:11
Whats chrons diesease please ?

17-01-11, 18:13
As you know Eggy I have Crohn's disease and it was diagnosed with a sigmoidoscopy and taking biopsies.

Did they not do this at your appointment?

17-01-11, 18:14
Whats chrons diesease please ?

Crohn’s disease is a chronic (long-term) condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive system.
Inflammation usually occurs in the ileum (the last section of the small intestine), or the colon (the large intestine). However, inflammation can occur anywhere in the digestive system, from the mouth to the anus (back passage).

Over time, the inflammation that is caused by Crohn’s disease can damage sections of the digestive system, causing additional complications, such as narrowing of the colon.

17-01-11, 18:16
As you know Eggy I have Crohn's disease and it was diagnosed with a sigmoidoscopy and taking biopsies.

Did they not do this at your appointment?

No they did no tests, Their opinion is based on all the evidence and could be confirmed when i have my Colonoscopy and Bowel MRI.

17-01-11, 18:36
Even with 20years of experience I still wouldnt take this diagnosis to be fact yet Eggy ..You cannot be diagnosed without the correct tests and samples taken .Nothing until then is 100% ..I hope it proves to be not to be whats been the problem there anyway .How long have you got to wait for the MRI AND COLONOSCOPY ? As for the Gp .Normally Gps dont like to commit as they can be sued etc.But there again they are only General practitioners not specialists .They can sometimes make mistakes and fail to notice things .They are only human and sadly these things will always happen occassionally ..Good luck with your Tests .Luv Sue x:hugs:

17-01-11, 19:28
Got to wait 6-7 weeks for the Colonoscopy and the MRI.

Reasons for his opinion were:- Stomach pain, Bleeding in my stools on/off, Bloating, Intermittent Diarrhoea, Low Vitamin B12 levels, Inflammation showing up in blood tests over and over again, No mention of IBS which is what i was hoping was wrong, Also the fact that my nan had Crohn's makes it more likely for me to get it as said by the specialist.

17-01-11, 19:33
Thats a long time :lac:..Even with your nan having it dont feel its 100% certain tho Eggy .Try to keep things factual .I know its hard .Im suprised they said this to you ,knowing you had to wait so long .Oh well :lac:..IBS is usually only diagnosed when all other things have been ruled out ..Good luck with everything and take care of yourself and your diet .sue x:hugs:

17-01-11, 19:40
Obviously it wasn't a definite diagnosis but he said that's his opinion and he thinks that is what is causing my problems, He said everything matches up with Crohn's Disease.

17-01-11, 19:42
I think you are preparing for the worst. I know it's scary waiting for a disorganizes. just try and not get worked up too much as you can't control the outcome but you can learn to cope with the fear and anxiety x

17-01-11, 19:55
To be honest Eggy I would have expected them to do an examination as well.

I had an examination at my first appointment and he said at that early stage that the whole of the lower bowel was completely red with inflammation hence I was referred for a sigmoidoscopy.

The colonoscopy will show Crohn's or not though so good luck with that. Not a nice thing to go through but necessary.

17-01-11, 22:49
Did they tell you which blood tests indicated Crohn's as well?

17-01-11, 23:22
I've had mutiple blood tests done at my GP's Surgery and every one has shown up an abnormality, Today the specialist said about the CRP level being raised on all my tests and that's yet more evidence along with the bleeding, diarrhoea, low B12 levels that it all indicates Crohn's.

17-01-11, 23:44
I don't think he should be suggesting illnesses without tests though Eggy.

I guess you will find out in a few weeks