View Full Version : another health worry :(

19-10-10, 15:57
i feel like a pain this is is my 3rd post now about some form of anxiety or other.
but for the past few months ive had a back pain which tends to hurt sometimes when i move to the left or right, ive been so worried its something serious :(
some days its pain free, though i've noticed when ive spent a day slumped at a computer it gets worse the next day and i do this day in day out for atleast 6 hours.
though my doctor said if it was something serious i'd know by now (that and he thinks im too young to have something seriously wrong with me for it to go un-noticed) and he knows im in good health, yet i cant believe him!
im really worried its my gallbladder or something scary :(
most people seem to think its my poor posture as i spend unhealthy amounts of time slumped at a computer or my anxiety (or maybe both hmm).
the pain isnt too bad its really bearable/hardly there at all only if i focus on it properly it becomes a nusiance, but for some reason it worries me and i dont know why when i know its nothing! it is getting better too over the last few months and not as bad as it was when i first got it. it doesn't stop me doing day to day tasks either. im really underweight aswell so im starting to think this is why i get my posture pains so bad sometimes.
has anyone else ever had this?
thanks for those who respond :flowers:

19-10-10, 16:06
I think it's probably tension and bad posture. Where exactly is it? In the middle or one side?

19-10-10, 16:15
just one side i think it is slowly going, i think i just need to kick the habit of spending over 6 hours a day at a computer for no reason which i've been doing for 2 years nearly so im not surprised im starting to have some form of pain from it.
im beginning to think its a combination of both tensed muscles from worrying about it and bad posture.

19-10-10, 16:17
Aww hun it sounds like posture to me. Health Anxeity sucks.



19-10-10, 16:18
p.s you're not a pain, thats what we're here for!x

19-10-10, 16:19
I have pains daily and I know I have AWFUL POSTURe, I'm always hunched when sitting, my shoulders are always tensed when walking, I sleep on my belly in a weird position.

19-10-10, 16:23
thank you so much everyone. :)
i think im just over reacting a bit, come to think of it if it was something really serious it'd get worse not better and everyone does tend to say i sit or sleep in really weird positions.
i think my minds at a bit of ease now :) xx

19-10-10, 16:52
I get a really stiff left side - my shoulder blade almost feels stuck and that is from when I have tensed up in the past on one side when I have had my heart anxiety. Sitting at a computer all day at work my neck and tops of my shoulders ache a lot.

19-10-10, 22:06
I feel like that with my back too, and also the front where i strained some of my rib muscles a while back from a panic attack though the pains are definitley going think i just need to practice my breathing exercises and get my posture right again xx