View Full Version : women pls..scared about pelvic u/sound result

19-10-10, 16:02
Hi I'm a natural worrier about my health, my HA has flared up lately. I am always scared of ovarian cancer. I'm 33 and healthy and have not had any of the symptoms of O.C except for heartburn. I went to the Dr who said it could be realted to O.C..so that scared the hell out of me. She gave me a stomach medication to try and did an internal exam and said it felt normal inside and my ovaries didn't feel enlarged but she was sending me an ultrasound just to be sure. I had it done this morning. The Sonographer wouldn't say anything but she seemed to take ages over the test and asked me twice if my periods were irregular and I said no they are regular every month. She said the report should be with my Dr tomorrow, how am I going to get through without worrying. I am petrified of Ovarian cancer as it's known as "the silent killer". Please anyone can you give me some reassuring words to help me get through. My anxiety is out of control and naturally the heartburn is worse today as it was feeling better with the tablets the Dr gave me..thank you

19-10-10, 16:16
Why a doc would think that you could have OC because you suffer from heart burn is beyond me, you would have other symptoms too.
Please dont worry, the chances of you having OC are so slim especially if your internal was ok.
Ive always found that when ive had a internal ultrasound, when they do find something, they tend to point it out. Ive had a couple of dermoid cysts removed.
So many benign things can cause symptoms with us woman so i really wouldnt worry.

20-10-10, 08:06
I think that's very odd too that the doctor would think the heartburn is to do with ovarian cancer! Have you had any other symptoms that led you or doctor to think it was ovary related? I had ovarian cancer fear earlier this year and had ultrasound. The doctor took ages and I thought this must have meant she was finding something bad. But it was all fine. If something did come up it is much more likely to just be harmless cysts or something like that. Let us know how you get on with your results.

21-10-10, 16:34
I can't understand why she said it either because I don't have any of the main symptoms of O.C such as bloating, urinary problems etc. The heartburn is feeling mostly better, I have been taking an over the counter medication.

I am STILL waiting on my results. I called and left a message for the Dr this morning and she rang me to say she is going to follow up with Radiology to see where they are and she will call me, I hope it's today. I was so anxious when she called, my heart felt like it was stopping and I was running out of breath when I talked to her, it's quite embarrasing and I'm sure they know you are anxious and it makes you feel weak.

So I'm really hoping for good news today, I am trying to keep busy and not think about it but my heart is racing and I feel so sick :weep:.

Hopefully I will have some good news later, thanks for your replies

21-10-10, 16:45
I don't know why your doc would say that if my doc had said that to me I think I would have been in a blind panic. I am also worried about having ovarian cancer and have just posted on here about it. I am too worried to go to the GP though as I am always round there for one thing or the other, normally cancer... I would try and keep calm, as somebody on here already said they normally say if they find anything. I am sure you will be fine. I have been doing research on OC and only 6500 woman in the UK are diagnosed a year with it and it is normally women that have gone through the menopause it is very unlikely that at 33 you would have it - here I am telling you not to worry as you are young I am only 29 and still really concerned about having it - go figure - good luck with your results though am sure they will be fine, post them on here so that we can say we told you so when they show up as normal :D x

21-10-10, 17:00
I would honestly think about changing your doctor, if she can scare you by saying that you possibility having OC just because youve got heartburn but no other symptoms, then god knows what will be her next diagnoses.
I had 2 dermoid cysts removed a while ago, i had symptoms so i knew something was there.
You need to be aware of whats going on with your body, but that's all.
I really wouldn't worry.

22-10-10, 20:27
I got the results, the Doctor said I only have a small hemorrhagic cyst (which means it's filled with blood and nothing more sinister), on my left ovary. There is no solid components to it or worrisome features. I said I didn't appreciate being worried about O.C and she apologised and also apologised for keeping me waiting on the results but Radiology had not faxed them to her quickly. My heartburn is actually improving on some over the counter medication and I"m trying hard to not stress and be anxious which I know makes it worse. The good news is the cyst is not going to kill me, it should shrink away with my menstrual cycle or if for some reason it got really big they would just remove it. So I feel a bit better now, thanks everyone for your helpful replies