View Full Version : Brain not processing? In a cloud?

19-10-10, 17:07
I have developed a new fear that when I blink my brain doesn't process it and I only feel alive when I don't blink almost it's a weird feeling. I also feel in a bubble, the world feels all globe shaped. Things seem distant, unreal and unfamiliar. Sometimes lately I have been watching TV and my mind is only focused on anxiety and all I feel is this fear and worry I can't get my mind off it.

Is this a symptom of depersonalization or do I have a serious condition? :blush:

I'm just wanting to stay indoors but managed a walk today but never helped as I have all these crazy obsessive worries. With my anxiety I am very worried over things like heart, brain, eyes, ears, legs. Is it normal or am I dying?

19-10-10, 20:58
Guess nobody can help with this symptom?

19-10-10, 21:08
Yes Phil it is ..You are not dying .Have you tried relaxation or meditation ? You need to learn to relax on a regular basis .The more you fear these symptoms the longer they last .Its caused by heightened anxiety .It will pass eventually .T/c luv Sue xx:hugs:

19-10-10, 21:08
hun i have depresonliztion bad for months now and i feel the same wasy u feel hun its awfull and i wish i could help but i am trying to find a way to get better hope u feel better soon ...

19-10-10, 21:19
Yes Phil it is ..You are not dying .Have you tried relaxation or meditation ? You need to learn to relax on a regular basis .The more you fear these symptoms the longer they last .Its caused by heightened anxiety .It will pass eventually .T/c luv Sue xx:hugs:

No I'm maybe my down downfall there. Not been doing any of that.

Managed a short walk today and read of the CBT book.

I sit with some chilled music on but I think the relaxation tapes are more effective via headphones. I guess I could say I have had these symptoms before maybe in a slightly different manor.

As I posted in my other thread it's going out that could be the issue...I'm so worried by these symptoms my only safe place is at home. It had got better rather than go away it's relapsed me before I got fully better.

19-10-10, 21:34
Phil try downloading some relaxation meditation music .Or even chant ..Try to listen at least twice a day every day .When you go out listen to it againVia headphones ,it will take the anxiety away .You have to do it religiously ,Persevere and it will pay off ..Its horrible i remember it well ..But it wont hurt you .Carry on thru it .Its only your brain trying to shut off stimulus to protect you .Good luck luv Sue x:hugs:

20-10-10, 09:18
Yes I suffer from this too Phil.
My anxiety has hit me bad the last few weeks, head pains and feeling out of it. I sit and watch the TV at night and just seem to be in my own world not understanding what is going on on the TV. I worry that when I feel like this that im going to lose my mind or go crazy any second or have a stroke. My wife asked me a question the other day and I couldnt answer her, my brain just froze and I couldnt speak for a few seconds, it scared the hell out of me. Im told its all anxiety due to an over tired mind.
I find it hard to believe its not something more serious sometimes.

20-10-10, 20:04
I had a fairly positive day but tonight my adrenaline depersonalization attacks are back..

I just get this rush of adrenaline and feeling of losing my mind, unreality thing..I'm on my 2nd or 3rd relaxation tape today.

..Will I go mad? My mind just goes all blank and I feel dissented..I had this a few months back and it's awful...scares me and keeps the anxiety going?:ohmy: I have started googling seizures again and I'm terrified I'll lose my mind. All I can do is worry and it's hard for me to think about much else.


21-10-10, 10:08
I get this too sometimes as i explained above, the last 2 weeks Ive been suffering badly with all the symptoms.People on here have reassured me that If I was going mad or losing it I wouldnt even realise or be worried about because I would think it was normal.

21-10-10, 13:09
You are not going mad ..The fact you are even thinking this ,shows that .The fear of your symptoms is making it worse .This shows you are not fully relaxed .Once you learn to accept and stop fearing these feelings .then you will learn to relax properly ..Your Anxiey is feeding off that fear .Once it has not got that ,it will no longer be able to manifest itself this way .Your brain is trying to shut all this off to protect you ,thats why you feel like you are in a cloud .Is a form of self protection .. hope you understand what im on about ? T/c Sue xx:hugs:

21-10-10, 15:21
You are not going mad ..The fact you are even thinking this ,shows that .The fear of your symptoms is making it worse .This shows you are not fully relaxed .Once you learn to accept and stop fearing these feelings .then you will learn to relax properly ..Your Anxiey is feeding off that fear .Once it has not got that ,it will no longer be able to manifest itself this way .Your brain is trying to shut all this off to protect you ,thats why you feel like you are in a cloud .Is a form of self protection .. hope you understand what im on about ? T/c Sue xx:hugs:

Yesterday I used 5 or 6 relaxation tapes just to get me through the day. Sleep is an issue as I can't get myself off to bed before about 1am most nights. If I do I can't sleep..

What sets me back is if I do stop worrying it's not as intense but I still feel a little weird which makes me go back to worrying and it's a cycle.

I do understand a bit but last time I had lots of life worries now I am quite mellow in that sense less worries but the anxiety makes up for it because I worry constantly about my health instead... I'm worried how long the symptom will last because it can stop me going out. :unsure:

21-10-10, 17:07
Yesterday I used 5 or 6 relaxation tapes just to get me through the day. Sleep is an issue as I can't get myself off to bed before about 1am most nights. If I do I can't sleep.
Thats an excellent start Phil ..do you watch tv or are you on the computer late at night ? Stimulus of any kind should be avoided at least an hout before bed .It will keep you awake ,then the anxiety gets a grip with your tired mind .

What sets me back is if I do stop worrying it's not as intense but I still feel a little weird which makes me go back to worrying and it's a cycle.
Well thats a positive sign (Not being as intense ).Acceptance is the key ..Anxiety doesnt like being ignored ...if it gets no attention it will diminish ,its like a small child that stomps it feet for attention .If you ignore it it stops .
I do understand a bit but last time I had lots of life worries now I am quite mellow in that sense less worries but the anxiety makes up for it because I worry constantly about my health instead... I'm worried how long the symptom will last because it can stop me going out. :unsure:
Its like a burglar trying to break in to your house ..If he cant get in the front way he will try any way he can .Your health anxiety is just another door or window .Once you completely acknow;edge this is how it keeps it grip on you .You can begin the correct way of getting shot once and for all .As soon as you learn to relax your mind and body 100% and practice it daily .Your anxiety will no longer affect you like it is doing . Deep breathing and a nice warm soak before bed will relax you and help you sleep better .Passiflora tea or camomile will also relax you . Tc and dont give up .Its not going to get better overnight so dont get disheartned and fall back into negative thought patterns ..It will go away .:yesyes::yesyes:.Sue :hugs:

21-10-10, 22:10
Is it normal to feel very distanced from your thoughts with depersonalization? I can sit feeling just on another planet, mind not thinking about normal stuff just floating? This is what worries me it took months to clear last time stopping me going out.

My fear is my mind will go when I'm out, usually get an panic attack so feel safe and come home. How can I overcome that barrier? :ohmy:

26-10-10, 00:24
Hi Phil

I know exactly where your coming from. I suffer from the same kind of symptoms and have done over many years. It seems that as soon as I accept them without it causing too much worry (which takes ages and its really hard) then it eases and usually goes. Mind you, it has come back and I have to try and follow my own advice and remember i've done it before. At the moment though I am having problems when trying to go to sleep. All kind of random thoughts flit through my head (not bad ones) but ones that I have no idea why i'm thinking it and where its come from. Then I freak and think what if the thoughts take over and I have no control over my own mind :shrug:. All very scary I know. I've read so many things that say they're just thoughts, let them come and don't worry. Very hard though.

Take care hun
You're not alone :hugs:

06-11-10, 21:19
Does anybody feel like frozen and in a cloud when they feel depersonalized?

I feel I can't multi task and feel my brain is not working..I feel almost glued to my seat like a zombie just staring into space..

..is that normal? :ohmy:

06-11-10, 21:40
i would sy so when i get my deprolzation i go weird very m,uch like im not hear ive woke screaming im dead im dead this is what it feels like. I also dont no what im thinking or saying feel like my mouths talking but i dont no what im saying etc. i always descirbe it as being spaced out nothing makes any sense and your very much alone. To me deprolization is the worst sympto i get and once im in it i cant get out of it. I get frightened of having taht feeling cos it scares me soo much x
night times are also the worse for me icant switch off x