View Full Version : Old feelings

19-10-10, 17:17
Hi, im new my name is anne and i think i have had a panic attack.
I used to get these years ago but this feels different. I was just sat having lunch with a friend in a garden centre, just chatting and felt reasonably relaxed and then bang, so quick like an electric shock, everything was spinning i couldnt focus and i know she was talking to me but i couldnt hear her, if that makes sense. Im home now and have a cracking headache, im quite proud of myself because she didnt even notice but it was so difficult to control i thought i was a gonner. I dont have a clue where this has come from after so many years except i havent had a good year, my dear dad passed away in june and i have also lost my job this year, i thought i was handling it all ok though. Is this panic again :weep: I have had a lot of tension in my shoulders, neck and head since loosing dad it was quite traumatic helping to nurse him through a brain tumour, love him, and im now concentrating on taking care of mum, who is ok still independant but 80, sorry dont know what thats got to do with it. Just wanted to know if anyone else gets the dizzy head thing, felt as if someone had hit me with a baseball bat.

19-10-10, 17:20
Hi nettynoo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
19-10-10, 18:35
Hi Netty, welcome aboard, youre not alone x:welcome:

margaret jones
19-10-10, 19:02
Hi Netty
Welcome to this fantastic site you will find lots of good advice and make lots of friends .xxx

19-10-10, 19:13
Hi nettynoo, and welcome to the forum.

I have and still am to this day suffering form the same as you have posted, and can relate to this and death in the family, we all think we can cope, then all of a sudden something like this happens and it knocks us for six.

My advise would be to relax for some time, and after doing so you feel you are not able to get rid of those symptoms then by all means have a word with your doctor.

Hope you start to feel well soon. :)

19-10-10, 19:17
Hi Anne,

The feeling you describe are very familiar to me.

19-10-10, 20:00
Thanks everyone, im not glad that you all have the same symptoms, i wouldnt wish it on anyone but its comforting to know other people suffer from the dizzyness. Ive suffered all the other symptoms over the years, palpitations, sweating headaches etc and have learned to live with them but this new sudden wave of dizzyness is frightening, i have to grab the nearest object, ie table or chair to steady myself its horrible isnt it.

19-10-10, 22:05
hi Netty,

yes it's dreadful the dizziness i get it out of the blue sometimes, and ive had it times where its a constant background on spinning or moving it is so scary and i too have to grab or hold onto the nearest thing to me when i get dizzy bad.
and i think my problem has been thinking, oh hec when is it going to happen again, what if it happens while im with loads of people, or at the supermarket etc ,
ive had dizziness from my teens, im now 31.
the dizziness can be completely debilitating and ive often said that i wouldnt want to wish this dizziness on anyone,
there are thing out there to help the dizziness ,
i hope you feel better soon,

warm wishes
Annette xx