View Full Version : serious anxiousness and panic attacks when i wake ?

Carly Lou
19-10-10, 18:03
Hey xx
Hmmm yes yet again another thread..
seriously ever since i have been on and off and on these sertraline tablets i have been worse...:weep:
Now when i take my half a sert i take half a diaz, am and pm... docs tomo for a review... but
everytime i wake up from my nights sleep and even if i have a little nap in the afternoon.... i have
sweaty palms
rapid heart beat
feel woosey
tingly, hot, hands
shaking hands and arms
bit of blurry vision
I am at a loss really, i know these are classic anxiety symptoms and as soon as i have taken the diaz... they all go away... so i presume that means its nothing serious as diaz isnt a pain killer its a calmer
ive been having a problem with my hand for a little while... repatative strain injury i think as i use it very freqently in the job i have....
but this has been everyday since thursday... and im so fed up, just so so fed up.....
I have the doctors tomo... so thats good i can discuss it with her... i dont want to be dependant on this diaz but it is only to stop the side effects of the sertraline... which i hate taking... after last weeks side effects without diazapan...
feeling like thism working and looking after a 2 year old son is NOT how i want to be feeling at 25...
you can imagine... the thoughts in my head ive been having
oh and fibromylagia has popped in my head also as i get back and arm pains...
not good just not good i need a:bighug1:

Carls xxxx

paula lynne
19-10-10, 19:05
All the best with the gp Carly...sending lots of love and positive vibes hun x:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

19-10-10, 19:17
Sending you :hugs:

Carly Lou
19-10-10, 19:41
Thank you xxx
i presume this is normal ??? im feeling really tierd.... i guess its the diazapan.... i think im feeling the effects of this sert a bit.... have a tingly head... only took 3 mg of the diaz. I HATE THIS...
Now im being paranoid.... im not going to pass out and die am i, theres nothing bad in the ssri thats going to do something bad to me is there.... boohoo scared xxx

paula lynne
19-10-10, 19:44
youre not going to die, the diazepam will be making you drowsy. A calm feeling but now you feel out of control hun.
You are going to be fine, how about an early night, with soft calm music, or read a good book to take your mind off things xx:hugs:

19-10-10, 19:45
All the symptoms you mentioned in your post I get them in a morning too mornings and night times are the worst for me. You are going to be fine hun x

Carly Lou
19-10-10, 19:51
thank you.... oh im so stressed... well ive calmed down now.... i have the docs tomo so ill speak to her abt it... the thing i worry is the last time i took sert for the first time was last week and on day 3 i was a complete mess and the ambulance had to be called... i was a state.. never had anxiousness like it in my life... so im obviously worried im going to have the same thing as last week... i hope not, thats why im taking the diaz whilst im re started the sert xxx

going to speak to the doc tomo abt the pain in my hand... amazingly enough it is worse when i am anxious.... xxxx

ill be ok im sure.... just dont want this to fluff up my new job in nov... im so excited abt it xxx

19-10-10, 21:15
You will be fine hunni. And good luck in your new job xx