View Full Version : Blood pressure

19-10-10, 18:49
I realise this has been discussed before. I did a home test today and found that my blood pressure is a bit high at 142 over 85 or 88 (cant remember.) Im only 23 years old! I realise that this is only just creeping into the high levels (apparently 139 is high but normal) but would prefer it to be more near the normal of 120. I dont do regular exercise to be fair, im not fat at all im slightly underweight (although i do eat plenty, i just have the skinny genes) and my diet isnt great but is not terrible either. I will be starting a new job soon with more regular sleeping patterns, more activity, and hopefully start doing some exercise as well. Will this be enough to get me back to normal levels?

19-10-10, 19:08
A one-off high reading doesn't mean much to be honest.

Things to do if you are worried - give up smoking, cut down on alcohol, cut down salt in your diet, eat healthily, exercise, relaxation.

19-10-10, 19:26
Ive never smoked and i only drink maybe half a dozen times per year! Im hoping a few ammendments to my diet and activity levels will get it back down though. I was expecting the reading to say i was really healthy:ohmy:

paula lynne
19-10-10, 19:34
My gp says excersice helps reduce bp, even 30 mins of walking a day x:)