View Full Version : Been to Hospital..Now Freaking out!!

19-10-10, 19:22

I won't go into everything that has happened but a few months ago I started having Ghosting by my left eye! I went to my GP who referred me to the hospital... The Dr at the hospital said there's nothing wrong with my eyes they are perfect... He gave me a follow on appoitment (today)

After checking my eyes they said all is fine again ... he then started saying he's been in practice for years and hasn't seen a case like mine (as I get ghosting/double vision on near and middle items (not distance)

He said he hasn't got a clue whats going on and to defer the symptoms they will ook into getting me a contact lense that block the vision in my left eye so I don't see double!! GREAT I thought...I've just checked what these contact lenses are for and like ect and noticed on the page my symptoms are a sign of a Brain Aneurism!!! I feel sick as the Dr didn't know what was wrong... SO scared that its that!

I darent google a brain aneurism further as I'm too scared... Any advice anyone??

Nat xx

P.s I did have a lazy eye when younger..But the Dr said teh suppresion of that eye should stay suppressed and SHOULD NOT return!!!

19-10-10, 20:26
Why don't you go back to your Gp and discuss your fears with im - he may send you for a brain scan just to discount this rare possibility or even ask for one if you feel that you will not stop worrying until you have one.

It is extremely unlikely to be caused by brain aneurysm and there must be other reasons for your symptoms but your fears are understandable given what you have read and your Gp should do best to put your mind at rest.

My mother in law had double visione tc and it was due to a sudden weakness of the muscles on one eye and resolved itself but it took about 6 monhs and she had to stop driving.

19-10-10, 20:35
Yea i'm definatly gonna do that but every doctor i've been to just say they don.t know why it's happening! So annoying and worse for anxiety! Just wanted to know what doctors can see when they look in your eyes? X

19-10-10, 20:48
Hi, Have you had a test for Keratoconus?

19-10-10, 20:53
I have no idea? I've explained my symptoms to each doctor and they've all just said we'll treat the symptoms by a contact lense that blocks my vision for a while? I daren't google anything else! What is that? X

19-10-10, 21:15
Hi, I was attracted to reply to your post as I have Keratoconus, this causes ghosting in the eyes as the cornea is uneven and therefore the vision is distorted. For year I have been given the option of wearing contact lenses or glasses, by the way glasses don't correct the vision defect, they only sharpen the sight in my eyes as I am not able to drive without glasses. At night is when I notice it the worst, halos round street lamps etc. It is very hard for me to drive in the dark because of this condition. The condition is usually hereditary and there is no cure, it progressively gets worse with passing years and the only other form of treatment, to my knowledge is a corneal graft. You will be able to find out all this and more online. I just thought it may throw some light on your problem possibly.

19-10-10, 21:18
Hi, It is quite likely that the doctors don't know enough to know what the condition is, please ask them or your optician to refer you to an eye specialist at your local hospital. They will then be able to diagnose the condition for you and refer you to an optician who is a specialist in this condition as its quite rare. I hope this helps.

19-10-10, 21:24
aww thanks so much i've been thinking the worse things like tumors ect! The dr i went to was supposed to be a specialist but i will go to my gp and explain what you have said as my symptoms seem the same! Did ur ghosting appear gradually or did it come within a week or so? Thanks again ... Natalie x x

19-10-10, 21:39
Hi, Ive had mine for a long time. I didn't actually take much notice at first. When I was young at school I could see ok, but one day when I was reading a chart, I remember cheating a little and getting caught out by the lady who was doing the test for cheating!! In my mid teens, around 15 I used to see little hazy bits, didn't think much about it. I went to an optician when I was 21 and they sent me to my doctor, who, in turn, sent me to the eye hospital. At the hospital, they ran tests and told me I had Keratoconus, which they said I should know about as my sister had Keratoconus, I never knew I had it as my sister and I don't talk much! so that is how I found out. I was referred to a specialist optician who has made special lenses for me for years, which, I must admit, I havent used much, well I did at first but I kept finding them hard to handle and they used to irritate my right eye, which is my badly affected eye and make it water and stop me from driving, so now im just using my glasses. As I said, there is no cure and when I first saw my specialist optician he did describe it as a degeneration, but it is not an aneurysm so don't worry about that. Have a look online at the pages for Keratoconus, there is also a support group page and go back to your doctor and ask for a referral to your local eye hospital. Good luck and I hope this helps. Lucy.

19-10-10, 21:46
omg yea i've just read up on it and it does sound a little scary! I will do some more research on it! I have an appointment in 6/8 weeks so i will ask them! The most disconcerning thing is the eye specialist i saw just said if it gets worse i'll be refered to another specialist! I think as i used to have a squint they must think its just that? What tests did they do to u to diagnose u? I had the dilated eye drops and the lights in eyes ect? X x x

19-10-10, 21:48
ps i had my eyes tested and my good eye (not my lazy eye) was perfect? Is ur vision really impared? X

19-10-10, 21:54
Hi, I also get the orange drops and the lights in eyes and just general eye testing, they try on the funny large glasses frames and insert the glass till they get you to see a bit better. My right eye is bad and I can only see like 2 lines of the chart with it, but the left eye I can practically read the whole 6 lines with it. I can't really remember the tests from the start at the eye hospital as that was a long time ago, but they diagnosed it quickly anyway. At my last appointment with my eye specialist he did offer the option of a corneal graft, which is a donor cornea inserted and then they stitch it all up again, but I don't like the sound of it as Im scared I lose the vision in my right eye altogether. Although it sounds a bit scary when you look it up on here, it is not nearly as scary as aneurysm, Keratoconus is just an inconvenience more than anything else, it restricts my driving ability and my eyesights a bit hazy with the glasses but it can't be helped I guess. I hope you get on fine at your next visit, just keep on asking to be referred to another specialist if you don't get answers. Lucy.

19-10-10, 21:57
Hi, My right eye vision is pretty bad, my left eye is not bad, although it also has mild Keratoconus in it as well. I think I must have been born with an eye defect and it progressed to this as I got older as I remember my mother saying the nurse said I had a bad eye just after I was born, so hereditary cause is most likely.

19-10-10, 21:58
aww that does sound a little scary but i'm sure they get good results from the operation! I surpose if it get's worse for u.., u have the operation as a option! Yea i will def make sure they check me for what u have! Thank u x x

19-10-10, 22:01

everyones different and until you get it checked by a medic and they confirm what it is. Its seems to me by googling what might be wrong or comparing yours with someone esles condition may make you more anxious. if you want further advise see you GP or phone NHS direct for advice but try not to worry too much as you may be worry about something small. tc

19-10-10, 22:20
Hi, Yes, we know that it may be a different condition from mine altogether. That is the trouble with googling it gets very confusing, best to seek out professional and keep the computer switched off I do agree!