View Full Version : For those who fear ms

19-10-10, 20:34
Hello everyone, i am writing this post as i feel i might be abole to bring some comfort to some of you. In dec 2009 i started to get my first "ms symptoms" numbness, tingling, pins and needles, burning patches, frezzing patches, eye issues...etc.....i have seen 4 neros (1 privately), 8 eye specialist (2 privately) and been 2 the drs countless times had thousands of blood test, examinations, mri of neck and brain, v.e.p, etc...

Today i still get the odd numbness, aches, pins and needles, tingles, eye issues, and bad days but none of these are as bad as when i was first gripped by the fear!! If i get the numb sensations wheather its on my face in my arms or legs i get up and get active to take my mind of it by doing some house work, going for a walk.....anything to stop me obsessing about it as thats what it becomes an obsession. My every waking second was comsumed by what sensations i was feeling and i would hold on to them for dear life!!!

I would like you to not be like that, its awful and i shudder when i look back as i was really bad and anxious and depressed by it. I have to decided to write this as i see loads of posts on it but never any saying how they feel a year on regarding the ms fear so i thoguht i would write and try and put some other people minds at rest. I realise that when the fear has gripped you there is little anyone can say or do to reassure you but when u need a little comfort i hope you can find it in this post.

As i said earlier, i still get my bad days and im sure i always will but i cope with them now, im enrolled in a course and am starting volunteering to be a family support worker in a children an familys centre so i can gain some expericance and qualifications that will lead me to a job there.......something i never thoguht would be possible since i developed my fear of ms.

Im always here if anyone would like to chat and you can always p.m me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-10-10, 20:45
Lovely post Carli and I'm so pleased that you've moved on from this nightmare HA.

I do hope that people will read this and it helps them to put things into perspective but I really believe that time is the only healing factor sometimes.

Keep up the good work Carli.

paula lynne
19-10-10, 20:49
A wonderful post, with great positve perspective that will definately help others, there are certainly a couple of people on here who are convinced they have it.
Im sure your post will give a lot of comfort and hope.
Well done hun, wishing you all good things xx

19-10-10, 20:49
Hello, thankyou, i felt i should write and update seing as i stalked nmp when i was really bad,lol. Yes i also feel time is a great healer and i never realised how much time has assed untill the other day when my mum was saying xmas is almost here and i thought gosh, look how quick it has gone since i deleloped the fear of ms and look how far i have come along. I was helped along the was by nmp and have become friends with some wonderful people on here. Its a fantastci site and im living proof that this site really does help. xx

19-10-10, 20:51
Thankyou paula. xx

19-10-10, 21:11
aw carli that's a lovely post! It has been ayear to hasn't it gosh its gone fast. I remeber you were one of the first people to help me on here when I started to suffer with ha nearly a year ago. I remember what we was both like lol. I think we both stalked NMP haha I still do. I'm so happy your feeling better in yourself babe you deserve it. I hope you carry on feeling this way. Also a big thankyou for always been there for me don't know what I'd have done without you xxx

19-10-10, 21:15
Aww sammi :weep: u have made me cry,lol.....and thankyou 2 hun as u have been a tremendous help to me and i dont think i would have coped so well had i not had your support and i will always continue to be here for u xxxx :bighug1:

19-10-10, 21:18
Your welcome hun. And thankyou :hugs:

19-10-10, 21:34
Such a good post :)
I'm worried as I have constant twitches all over especially iin my legs, my calf muscles just go crazy all the time and have done for around 5 months :/

19-10-10, 21:36
Sorry to hear that hun, im sure u will be fine xxxx

20-10-10, 22:21
Such a good post :)
I'm worried as I have constant twitches all over especially iin my legs, my calf muscles just go crazy all the time and have done for around 5 months :/

Have you had any tests done hun? xx

01-05-11, 19:56
Just thought i would repost this for anyone thats unpset with the "ms worry".

05-05-11, 10:12
hi carli i to am around 12 months down the 'ms' road i obsessed every waking minute, i couldnt eat,sleep or play with my children i would perform self tests that i was sure the neuro would do i would test my own reflexes and make my hubbie look and test to, i was in a deep deep hole i had constant twitches all over, i would take constant trips to the docs and i would feel better for a while but then the need for reassurance would come flooding back i was addicted to the feeling of getting the all clear from the docs, i cant even find the words to describe how bad i was, 1 year on and things are so much better i do still have little twitches occasionally but like you i get up and occupy myself i think maybe i always had them. Im glad your doing better and to any of the 'new ms' self diagnosed people out there stay away from google the more you obsess the worse the symptoms get. x:hugs:

09-05-11, 21:27
H rebecca, thanks for your message. Its a daunting road as you google to make yourself feel better but it never does. Only time and resiting the urge to google will. Im sure i spoke to you about this before hun, last year some time. Glad yur feeling a heaps better. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx