View Full Version : Parts of me feel really bruised, no explanation "/

19-10-10, 23:29
I have a bruised spine in two areas (near the top and near the bottom), not a visible bruise, just when i touch it (and it hurts when i dont touch it too, like an ache). I have it on my right hip at the back and also badly on my neck, mostly behind shoulders at bottom of neck... its really odd... why am i bruised and sore so badly when i havent even done anything to these areas? Especially as its in all different areas!?! The spinal ones are the most painful. Basically, because i have these lumps come up in groin and neck, im worrying i have spinal cancer or cancer of the neck. (just to note: my lymph nodes are enlarged in groin and neck...3 in neck, 4 in groin, and one behind ear.... they came up 3 weeks ago, was in hospital overnight with them, no explanation for them as of yet as blood tests are normal so they cant do anything, i personally dont think its virus/infection as i dont feel unwell and havent for a long time, so of course im thinking Hodgkins/Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma... "/

any suggestions???


rachael t
20-10-10, 02:58
i often feel bruised at top of spine especialy wen i wake up in a morning i put it down to the position ive slept in sometimes x

20-10-10, 03:46
if it wwas bruised you'd see it, it sounds to me like you're just tender, could be posture, could be tension, could just be something of nothing.
I'm sore in many places to touch daily :(

20-10-10, 07:52
Know how you feel with this, I've been feeling like that lately. My lymph nodes are up in groin area and neck, the neck ones have been up for about 6 weeks and groin ones about a month. Problem is that once you become aware of them you start prodding them and other areas and they seem to get worse. Go back to your doctor if you're worried, but you might find they go down if you can try not touching them for a few days, easier said than done! Tension could also be making it worse. I get my blood tests and MRI results back tomorrow, so hoping nothing re lymph nodes come up in that, and if they don't I have to try and leave them alone force while!

20-10-10, 11:35
Ooo please keep me posted Aussie11, I want to push for an MRI too, as i dont think these nodes are down to infection as i havent been unwell whatsoever!! Yes i think maybe tension is causing this and posture as i do sit alot at this pc lol.

keep me updated with ur results Aussie11! :)

22-10-10, 08:32
Hi there, I have posted separately about my results last night. Basically all fine which is huge relief! MRI only showed some minor disc wear and tear in spine but nothing nasty.