View Full Version : Was doing so well

20-10-10, 02:16
Well guys I've been pretty ok for the past few days, working, getting out lots and coping with my crazy thoughts but now I feel bad again. I'm awake now as I had a dream, can't remember the dream but Ive just woken up to an anxiety attack. Heat, adrenaline, fear, worry and doubt.

My fiancee's away for 2 days and my anxietys gone through the roof as she's my safety blanket. During the day I felt fine, kept myself thinking positive and working but now I'm in a state and I can't even work out why. I know what's doing it and I know how I often control it but it's not working tonight.

I really thought my sertralines would have done something now? I would take a diazepam but I've got work early.

I just feel back to square one. I always let silly thoughts wash over me now but sometimes I feel it's so hard and too much to take.

I need you guys.

20-10-10, 02:28
Hi David,

“During the day I felt fine, kept myself thinking positive and working but now I'm in a state and I can't even work out why...”

It was probably that dream, but try not to worry about working out why. Sometimes these things just happen for no apparent reason, and it’s much easier to just accept it as that and not try to find some meaning in it.

It’s not back to square one at all. These things happen all the time, and to everyone.

Try and clam down and get some sleep. That’s was I’m just gonna be doing.

Take care,

20-10-10, 05:01
Thanks Nigel.

Well I'm really restless now and usually sleep like a baby. Mind is racing and I can't even pinpoint it I'm just in a heightened state of anxiety and fear for no reason.

It seems I must need my fiancee around far more than I thought. I'm normally ok during the day just my mind races a lot but at night I love cuddling up to her.

Another thing that triggers my anxiety is if I don't like the look of something? Does that make any sense? As in if say I think a shape looks horrible or a person just looks odd it seems to turn the anxiety cogs on in my head?

20-10-10, 18:14
Any response to this? Sorry guys, reassurance, as you all know is the key!

20-10-10, 19:06
try and find those strengths that help you cope use them and try and distract yourself so you dont panic, its not easy but think of things that calm you down that helped in the past. tc

21-10-10, 19:38
Sometimes it doesn't help though and I dwell that I'm going mad I even behave like I'm going mad? Sound odd?

21-10-10, 20:08
HI David
No it doesn't sound odd to me. I worry all the time that I'm going mad and in fact this is what causes most of my anxiety attacks. I get waves of panic that come throughout the day but it's especially worse at night. I know what you mean about having someone there, when my husband is not there the anxiety is much worse.
I'm sorry I don't know the answer as I'm trying to find it myself!! But I'm persevering with medication, self-help and trying anything to ease it (diet, exercise etc). Hang on to the fact that you have had some good days and you CAN control this and feel better.
You are not on your own, every night I leave my laptop on next to me in case I wake up and need to distract myself away from anxiety. Please feel free to message me if you need someone to chat to in the middle of the night!
Keep going David, you will get there :hugs: