View Full Version : Still having problems with HA

20-10-10, 04:23
Yeah, I know I've posted a lot in the last few days, but my HA is going into overdrive with a heap of physical symtoms and I'm scared that they're serious all together :weep: First of all, my chest is sore and tender to touch above my breasts, espcially when I breathe in and I have a tickle and sore spot in my throat at the same time. My throat fels as though its so tight I'm going to stop breathing at any moment as well as being sore. My face is sore and my at the top on the sides of my neck is tender to touch and feels swollen. I also feel sick when I eat most times, yet I thought my anxiety had subsided as I havent felt overly anxious, its just these physical symtoms that are bugging me to no end! My stomach feels bubbly when I eat and sometimes I feel like my throat is going to close up at any minute. I dont care if you dont really know whats up with me, but it would be great if anyone could reply back with any explanation on any these things, please? :shrug:

20-10-10, 09:50
Hiya hunni. Anxiety can cause a wide range of physiical symptoms what you have just described I get too its mainly my jaw tho that's really sore rather than my face. My chest is my biggest fear (the heart) makes me feel sick just thinking about it! I've had all the heart tests and my cardiologist and gp say its anxiety. X