View Full Version : Wish me luck...

20-10-10, 19:36
Hi all, long post as usual, sorry!

I've been doing well in my new job these last few months and have made myself into something of a golden boy, despite my tendency to be late and spend too long talking about cars to my customers. (We're a mobile phone network.)

It's been hard going, I've had to put up with bullying and some incredibly annoying issues like parking and stupid shifts, and my best mate is back to being a moaning sod as usual, but my hard work has finally paid off. I'm in line to win a £500 prize :D

On the other hand a lot of stressful stuff has happened and I've been on the verge of burnout twice in one month. My team leader's loyalty has been stretched to breaking point and I am not going to be able to charm my way round her next time. Also, a girl called Cora on my team has really got it in for me after our failed attempt at a relationship. (Note to self: never date a girl who is harder than Rocky)

I passed my phone interview with the Games Workshop last week and have been invited to a recruitment day at their HQ tomorrow. I sent them a short story I wrote with my application and my interviewer was late ringing me because she got caught up reading the story - half of my interview was questions about the story. She then said she was going to pass it around at GW's Head Office and pass it to the director of their publishing house!

I'm not anxious in a bad way, more tired and elated, but I've also had a lot of car problems and am buying an ultra-powerful sports car at the weekend.

I'm also going on my first date with another colleague on Saturday night.

Basically my whole life is full of new and exciting stuff at this moment in time, and I can't cope with it! I have started getting really tired and demotivated one minute, then agitated and enthusiastic the next. I am wondering if the citalopram dose is too high cos I have been out of sorts during this stress period, like I haven't got enough energy or adrenaline to see me through.

Well anyway, just wanted to share my experiences, get a bit of support and perhaps prove that with (a lot of) effort and determination, it's possible to build a productive and meaningful life, even if a year ago you were crippled by anxiety!

20-10-10, 19:45
Good luck with your date and it sounds like ur having a fab time, don't worry about the bullies, theyare jsut jealose of you.

Maybe you just need to take some time out to do somehting u really enjoy, pub with your mates, or spend the weekend reading or watching ur fav films.

Its so reassuring to read peoples success stories - thanks for sharing.

let us know how your date goes.

and thanks againx

20-10-10, 20:06
Wow, I was just logging back in to post a piccy of my new motor and someone's already replied! Thank you Ditzygirl, that was a really nice reply! :D

Well once my interview is over and I've got my new car, maybe things will get back to normal!

Anyway, here is a car like the one I'm picking up on Sat:


margaret jones
20-10-10, 20:34
very nice will impress the date Try and slow down and relax a little and I am sure you will be on top form very soon .

Good luck with the date xxxx

20-10-10, 22:43
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate you taking time to wish me luck. As for Allison's citalopram experiences - it's funny how people can express a whole world in a sentence.

Keep going, recovery is an elusive goal but it's real and it can be attained (unlike the targets in my last job).

Thanks for the wishes about tomorrow - all I've got to do is look a geek without being scary, and I'm in hehe :D

22-10-10, 21:30
Bad news all round: I didn't get the job, my car will not be ready for another week and it doesn't look like the date is on now.

Funny how things can change in one day!

22-10-10, 21:35
wow sounds like things are looking up for you all the best tc

22-10-10, 21:44
Bad news all round: I didn't get the job, my car will not be ready for another week and it doesn't look like the date is on now.

wow sounds like things are looking up for you all the best tc

:shrug: :roflmao:

Thank you anyway, I know what you mean :D

22-10-10, 22:18

It might not have been the right job for you, what's a week when waiting for the new wheels and the date might have had halitosis and a penchant for too much alcohol.

Funny how things can change in a day for the worse and next day for the better? :winks:

Go with the flow :D

24-10-10, 16:39
Thanks Ladybird. The one consolation is that a short story I wrote has now been read by the people in charge of Games Workshop UK, so there is the (remote) chance that I could be asked to submit something for publishing, but I'm not holding my breath for it!

As for the date, she got in touch to ask if I still wanted to go, so we went out last night. We went to a country pub for a drink, then to a curry house... I have still got stomach ache now.

My date is more intelligent than I am which I find a bit threatening, she qualified for the British Army bomb squad but didn't take the job in case she got blown up and she is the subject of bullying at work because she massively outperforms her team. She is focused and determined, but not in a way that excludes others (unusually). She is funny, kind hearted and loving, and she can put up with me, so that's a bonus! She seems very keen on me although I can't imagine why!

She wore a short dress, heels and low-cut top, basically because I asked her to (partly to see if she would), but I didn't think she would be that daring! Men were staring at her the entire time and I felt quite self-conscious about it. She's very pretty and sexier than I thought considering I work with her every day and never noticed her before.

For our next date we're watching a DVD (Overboard, starring Goldie Hawn) and ordering a takeaway at her house. Just my luck considering by then I'll have my new Impreza! Well I can show it off to her another time. Overboard was actually my suggestion. If you haven't seen it, get it watched ASAP - it's probably the best romantic comedy I've seen and it is such a funny, warm tale.

PS Also watch Big and The Burbs, both starring Tom Hanks. Amazing films.

29-10-10, 14:41

Glad things worked out in the end for you.:) Sounds like the start of a budding relationship...lets hope so...she sounds very nice!!!

Glad you are feeling well and things have turned round for you...you have been such an inspiration to others on here.....long may it continue.


01-11-10, 18:13
Cheers JT69, I appreciate that :D

Unfortunately I won't be seeing this girl again. She is younger than I thought and there is a generation gap between us... I'm not sure how to explain that properly, I just don't feel any kind of spark for her, and we don't exactly have much in common. I feel a bit old fashioned around her. Scary how suddenly you can feel out of date! We still text one another though so we'll see what happens.

Also, in my current job, things are getting ridiculous: there are no parking spaces, I can't sit with my team (most of whom I don't like anyway), there's no equipment that works and our hours are crap. The hours, by the way, are set to get worse. I'm looking for a different job.

The new car arrives on Friday, so there is something good to be salvaged.