View Full Version : pelvic pain and lower back pain

21-10-10, 07:25
im sick of worrying i have a terminal disease i now have got pain in my lower stomach and back i woke this morning and got my self really worked up i went thru in my head the whole conversation that the doctor would tell me i have cancer and theres nothing they can do
please help im getting really scared:weep:

21-10-10, 14:26
Aches and pains are all part of anxiety I'm afraid ell. You are probably really tense which causes all kinds of muscle aches and pains. I woke up today with back pain, I'm trying to ignore it though. Please remember that conversation is exactly what you said it was, IN YOUR HEAD! Just because you thought it doesn't mean it is true! If you think long enough you can come up with any horrible sanario. You are probably just run down through worry and stress. Go and see your Doctor, they will re-assure you.

21-10-10, 14:54
I experience aches and pains also , all over my body every single day..i have been to the docs so many times for all different things and was always told there is nothing wrong,yet i would imagine the worst before going. and then after continous visits it became apparent that i have health anxiety and low mood . Anxiety/stress and depression can cause so many physical symtoms and heightens your awareness, then you convince yourself you must be ill, and that encourages your brain to become so aware of the aches and pains in your body which continues to make you think your ill and it continues in this circle that is hard to get out of. when the doctor assures you it is anxiety or stress related try to look into that as somewhat of a positive outcome, and address the issues before it esculates.:)