View Full Version : Scared to go to bed after bad reflux woke me last night :(

21-10-10, 10:17
As the title says at 2am this morning I was awoken by the worst acid reflux ever. I couldn't get back to bed until well after 3.30am as the antacid and milk that I had didn't help.

Our bed head is already raised, and I went to sleep on a lot of pillows last night. I have felt that horrible burning all day in my throat. I have just had some cereal for dinner (too scared to eat anything else!) and I can feel it coming back :(

I am so scared to go to bed tonight (its 8pm here in Australia) as I am worried I am going to choke on the vomit or something when I am asleep and die :(

21-10-10, 11:30
Don't worry you will not choke on your vomit and die. That only happens if someone has been drinking alcohol heavily, which causes everthing to slow down. If you do choke you will wake up very quickly and be able to clear your throat. Try to do some relaxation before you go to sleep, it want cure the reflux but will help you go to sleep a bit better,:).

21-10-10, 11:50
Really? I thought anyone could choke on their own vomit not just if you were drunk. Are you sure lol?

21-10-10, 12:26
I always thought that the flap of skin is moved over the windpipe automatically by the brain centres, and this is learned by babies brains. After it's learned, the brain has to have lost the ability to auto control the muscles as a reflex action, either through a fit, or by being being supressed with alcohol, drugs etc.

I'm not a doctor though I'm afraid Sam.

I'm so sorry you feel like this, it's really hard as worrying will only make the acid worse. Hope you managed to sleep at last. Sending you hugs instead...


21-10-10, 12:54
Are you saying the same thing? Thank you both so much for taking the time to reply - I really do appreciate it xxx

paula lynne
21-10-10, 13:08
Hi Sam maybe your local pharmacy could advise you on taking different antacids? Hope you sleep better tonight x:)

21-10-10, 13:09
Thank you - yes I will go tomorrow and/or GP and see what they recommend.

I am putting off the inevitable here - its 11pm and I need to get to bed, but I just don't want to :(

21-10-10, 14:41
I have woken up twice with acid reflux - both times, I just woke up coughing and it was fine. I would imagine people who are drunk choke on their vomit because they are in a stupor.