View Full Version : new to no more panic

21-10-10, 11:23
hi, i am new here,i was given this site to help with panic attacks.
i never had panic attacks until nearly 3 years ago when i lost my only son to cancer,from then on i suffered daily attacks,i was prescribed a beta blocker,by my then gp,i have a new gp now and because i have uncontrolled asthma,i am not allowed the beta blockers now,so i`m not sure which way to go.i eat well,i exercise daily,well until two weeks ago,when the panic attacks really took hold,i feel so exhausted and shaky,i get them so frequently now,i decided i needed help.i had such a bad one last week while driving,the pain was so intense in my chest and i felt so week and pathetic,so i pulled over,and tried to calm down,its so scary not to feel in control of your mind and body.so here i am hoping that i can learn to control this and not the other way round.

21-10-10, 11:24
Hi oxenbee

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
21-10-10, 15:03
:bighug1::welcome:welcome to NMP Sam. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your child. You will find good information, comfort and support here.


paula lynne
21-10-10, 15:18
A warm welcome to you x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
21-10-10, 22:32
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

22-10-10, 13:04

So sorry to here you lost your son to cancer my thoughts are with you. I to lost my gran and auntie to cancer and no the effect that horrible disease can have on the people involved. I think you are doing so well just to carry on with your life so give yourself some credit for that. You could easily give up and let these panic attacks take over your life but here you are trying to get help and fighting on, your son would be so proud of you and is by your side fighting this with you every step of the way you have to believe that. When im having a really bad day i always look to the sky and pray for my gran to be with me and always feel some comfort afterwards just having asked her makes me feel better.

I used to love driving but have not driven for about 3 months after the panic attacks go so bad i couldnt make it out of my road b4 i was having to pull over and calm myself down :(

But im confident i will drive again !! Im just taking time now to accept that im not well and spend my time resting and trying to get better. I have told all my friends and family how i feel instead of trying to hide it like i was doing and pretending everythings ok coz its not !! They have all been really supportive !!

Give yourself time. Instead of getting in a state and not understanding what is happening to you, ride the panic attack and when its over tell yourself you survived that one and you will survive another one its only your mind playing tricks on you, your mind can not hurt you !!

I wish u all the best

Take care

Dan :)

23-10-10, 14:04
thankyou for such a warm welcome,having had a look around the site,i now realise im not some basketlady,and i think my depression has crept back,i don`t like to admit it,to anyone but here i kinda feel not judged,funnily enough my new gp asked me if i were depressed ,but i said no,mainly because they cannot offer any councilling as i have already had my six sessions and she was rubbish+ alot of people think because its been nearly 3 yrs since i lost my boy i should be over it,but im sooo not,back to the gp next week i think.
so sorry for your loss too dan,i do hope you manage to get behind the wheel again, i seriously thought about giving up driving cos its bloody scary when it happens,and i think i am over analizing myself therefore missing the point.thanks for pointing out the obvious.
thanks everyone
kind regards

24-10-10, 17:53
Ur welcome Sam and thank u !! Would love to know how ur getting on :) Dont let anyone tell you you should b over yours son death you will never get over it they say time is a great healer but i believe time is a the best teacher u learn to live with it thats all !!

Dan :)

24-10-10, 19:21
HI Oxenbee,
Im new to this today so we have joined at the same time, and maybe we can learn something new hopefully xxx

26-10-10, 13:59
Hi Sam,
you are not ALONE. I too suffer from anxiety which started 2yrs after the death of my much loved son. I've never known wether to blame that or the menopause for my symptoms. The pain and shock of losing a child is almost unbearable, I never knew it was possible to feel such emotional pain. I think only someone who's been through it can really understand. I wish there was a quick fix but 5yrs after his death, I still can't talk about it without crying. Strangely enough though, I wouldn't describe myself as depressed, just terribly sad, which to me is a perfectly natural state to be in. I don't know the roots of my anxiety but have my own theories. One is that when i heard the news of my son's sudden death in a phone call, I wanted to scream, which I never did and after all this time, I still feel like I have this scream trapped inside me. If any of this rings true for you, then please don't hesitate to 'talk' to me.
I wish you well.

26-10-10, 18:40
Hi Sam, I'm also new to this site and I'm a Sam. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and can't begin to understand how that would feel. I know about the panic attacks though as I am suffering bad at the moment. Hopefully we will both find support on here. x

eternally optimistic
27-10-10, 22:50
Hi Sam

Welcome to the site, you will find lots of support and reassurance from this wonderful, wonderful site. I am sure of that.

I am soooo sorry to hear of your loss, three years is nothing. I think that sometimes people around you make the mistake of thinking bereaved people are OK and that they have "moved on" - which is a horrible saying.

You are dealing with something that is tragic and a life changer, I'm sorry to say.
You are certainly not a crack pot, but very sane and dealing with the situation as best you can.

I REALLY do hope you get some support, have you tried any bereavement sites?

Maybe some medication to help you through this difficult time, might be worth trying.

Best wishes for the future and I will be thinking of you.