View Full Version : Normal or Common?

21-10-10, 12:14
Hi everyone
Since my brief attack 2 mornings ago at 4am , I Am now waking up in the wee hrs of the morning to goto the washroom (Only once and from to much water, lol) but when I first wake up I get this feeling that overcomes me for about 10 min or so maybe 15, I get that feeling you get before your attack hits you but then subsides with out it turning into an attack, just that feeling but no physical symptoms

Is this normal? Common?

Thank you everyone

21-10-10, 13:08
Hi Estranged,

Yep, I often get that feeling too. I usually experience that when I first wake up and open my eyes in the morning. It is the strangest feeling, like a horrible anticipation of something bad, as you describe, just as if you are starting to panic.

Like you, mine calms down too....not immediately, but after around 10 mins or so. I have to lay in bed during that time, ride it out and then get up once it passes.

Very weird!!

I guess it is all part of our anxious feelings, but I think the positive thing is it doesn't amount to anything...thank goodnesss!!

All the best,


21-10-10, 19:40
Yep I get that. It's horrible how powerful the mind is x