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View Full Version : having a scan and full pelvic examination

21-10-10, 13:18
ive just got back from the doctors and i managed to get out about my fears of getting cancer and dying
she tried to put my mind at ease but me being me can still come up with some what ifs
im having a scan on tues and full pelvic examination done which if it all is normal i will be over the moon but i am negative at the minute so im scared it will show somethings wrong and then what will i do :shrug:

21-10-10, 13:32
Try to keep your mind off it; work, activities etc until the time comes. I'm sure you will be fine. Also, do you have a husband or something to help you through it? Try talking to him.

21-10-10, 13:49
good luck with the scan. Be prepared for the HA to come back though even if it's negative. Our problem is we constantly seek reassurance that nobody can give us. So you are OK today but what about tomorrow?

Speaking for myself I need to recognise I use HA as a distraction from other hard areas of my life at the moment (I am widower with demanding job, long commute, three kids and sick mother)

I also need CERTAINTY. If we can get beyond this and stop the crazy reassurance path, maybe we can stop obsessing

Good luck and hope you don't need to see the doctor again