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View Full Version : diabetes fear

april tones
11-03-06, 01:02
does any one obsess about getting or having this? i do x


11-03-06, 01:22
Because the symptoms are something that so many people can have one or two of it is easy to obsess over. I mean who doesn't get thirsty and tired and go to the loo alot sometimes! I'm not trying to belittle your fear at all, i went through a stage of worrying about it because i was thirsty. I'm always thirsty because i hate drinking water, so much so that i've ended up in hospital because i have kidney problems which get worse when i don't drink...

Anyway my point was: I guess it depends on why you think you have it, you can always go to a pharmacy or your GP and ask them to test your blood sugar, but then once you realised it wasn't that would you find something else? Its a horrible cycle isn't i!

11-03-06, 09:25
oh yes every day of my life for the past four years

you are not alone, just look in the phobia section in a post entitled fear of death, or in the health anxiety part

it will not take it away, but it does help to know you are not alone
take care

11-03-06, 11:02

Its very easily tested for. Have you discussed this with your doctor ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

april tones
11-03-06, 12:55
hello meg, i got tested about 1 yr or 2 ago. i think its might be my fibro and anxiety, hard to tell diference. i am losing weight on diet so thats good. would i have been checked when pregnant throgh urine? protein etc in water? x or suagar?


11-03-06, 12:58
i think i have all the time, but i had blood tests done a few months ago and nothing showed up i think im feeling how i am because of the anxiety i do feel lightheaded and weak and i think thats cause i aint got enough sugar but if i had diabetes and ive been feeling the same for 6 months surely something would of happened. hang in there xx

11-03-06, 14:25
Yes you would have been checked very regularly during your pregnancy


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

11-03-06, 14:52
You can walk in our local Lloyds Pharmacy and get a test done there and then. Maybe worth doing it to reassure you.


april tones
11-03-06, 15:45
i know, im just scared of the result
its like i know it wouldnt change any thing knowing but id freak out i think! couldnt cope with any more health prbs xx


11-03-06, 15:51

The thing is that it can be dangerous if left untreated so you would be better off knowing.
