View Full Version : Aberfan Disaster on this day 1966

paula lynne
21-10-10, 13:25
Wales remembers today, the awful tradgedy which befell Aberfan, when a coal tip slid down the mountain and covered the school. 28 adults and 116 children lost their lives. This tradgedy affected my family.
Im lighting my candles now as a mark of respect and rememberance x
Thanks for listening x:weep:

21-10-10, 13:29
Oh Paula,

I remember watching something about this on the tv, it was so sad and tragic.

Deep thoughts to you and your family.

di xx

21-10-10, 13:42
Oh this was so terrible.:weep:

My Mums family are welsh (from Llanelli) and I remember her telling me all about this when I was a kid. So horrendous.

May they all be resting in peace.x

paula lynne
21-10-10, 13:46
Thanks Di x:hugs:
My dad was 21 when it happened, he was training for the ambulance service....he helped pull the bodies out of the shcool...remembers lining up the little bodies in the local church...he still cries about it today.
My mam said my dad changed that day..he was never the same man again..and became a bit of a monster. Angry about it, frusrated, hurt..he became very depressed, and has never really recovered.
It really affected him, and subsequently, my mum suffered as a result...and later on us kids too as their marriage became distructive and fell apart.

A whole generation wiped out. The families where paid £200 compensation each my dad said, as they successfully sued the coal board eventually, but the coal board still denied responsibility!

Kinda puts things into persective for me today........................x

21-10-10, 13:48
Thanks for posting this Paula. I didn't realise it was the anniversary. I was only five when it happened but for some reason vividly remember hearing about it. Horrific. It is good that they are still being remembered xx

21-10-10, 13:49
Posted before I saw your latest post Paula. That is all so awful. Sending you and your family love xx

21-10-10, 14:11
Me too Paula.....thinking of you.xxxx:hugs:

21-10-10, 15:05
I m so sorry that horrendous tragedy had such a terrible effect on your family Paula .I remember it happening but was a young child at the time .But it still had an impact .We often dont think of the brave people who have to do the work when these things occur .It can be vey traumatising for them and their loved ones too .:hugs:Sue xx

paula lynne
21-10-10, 15:17
Thanks guys for your kind words. Wasnt sure if I should post this but Im kinda down about it, and thinking how those 10 minutes back in 1966 still affects my dad today. Those poor little ones x:weep:
My little boy Jack is going to get an extra long hug tonight before bed x

21-10-10, 15:48
I hope you don't mind me sharing my experience Paula, but your posts have made me think about my dad and my family, too. My dad was a very strange man and in hindsight must have had serious mental health problems. I don't know how much this was a result of him being a prisoner of war during WW2 but I often wonder how different my life, my mum's life, and me as a person would have been if he hadn't been through this. So many terrible things happen in this world. I've had to read about the inquests from the 7/7 bombings at work this week and that's been so horrible too.

No real point to my post - sorry x

paula lynne
21-10-10, 15:54
Jane x :hugs:
I understand hun. Horrific experiences that affected our dads really did have a massive impact on the rest of us didnt it x
Im sorry youve had to read upseting things about the bombings, no wonder you are upset x
I hope you feel better very soon x :hugs:

21-10-10, 16:08
Thanks Paula. The worst thing about Aberfan is that it could have been prevented. I live in a former mining area where there are still slag heaps around and always think of those children when I see them xx