View Full Version : Upset at Myself

21-10-10, 14:24
Hi all,

Im gettng so angry at myself - I think ive got a cold, but I cannot stop thinking what if it means that im really sick, i know with some certain cancers you get flu like symptoms. Im really starting to worry. At the moment I have a heady stuffing feeling, feeling cold, cough, sore throat and my glands were swollen yesterday so Im thinking lymphomia.

Why do we do it to ourselves!?


21-10-10, 14:27
I wonder too. Although it's not like we want to, we just do. Your fine (although im sure you know that already). All the best.

21-10-10, 15:40
the fact that your angry at yourself for thinking or feeling that way shows that deep down you know your fine, all your symptoms are related to the common cold and even people that dont worry bout health problems feel lousy and ill with a cold....try and think positive, i know its one thing saying it but eventually you will learn to rationalise these negative thoughts :)

paula lynne
21-10-10, 15:47
Hi Hun x
Ive just got out of bed after 5 days of flu virus. Lots of people I know have it at the moment, it seems to be doing the rounds x
Plenty of fluids and paracetamol helps bring high temp down. Rest up and be gentle on yourself ok. x
Distract yourself....read a good book, play a cd you havent heared in a while, call a friend x

21-10-10, 15:51
Thanks Paula/Jazz/Casanova,

Just need to stop focusing on every little feeling that I get and turning it into something that it isnt... will go home at 5, curl up in bed with a film perhaps. Thanks x

21-10-10, 15:53
Hi Stillykat,

I agree with jazz25.

Try not to think so far ahead about what IT MIGHT be but rather deal with the symptoms you are having now which sound completely viral to me, therefore related to your cold and nothing more. I know it is hard, but we build up these fears 'about what if it is serious' instead of just staying grounded and living in the present, not what we think is GOING to happen.

This time of year is rife for colds, coughs, the beginning of flu and chesty illnesses, so bear that in mind. The likelihood that your symptoms are sinister are practically nil.

Hope you feel better soon.xxxx:hugs: