View Full Version : Piles/Hemorrhoids? Blood Spots, Discomfort (TMI)

21-10-10, 14:56
I had one pile/hemorrhoid when I was first pregnant and it flared up a bit with my second pregnancy. Just a feeling of a bump and some drops of blood, itchiness and burning, etc.

Since my last pregnancy (5+ years ago), I only have the bump (is it on the inside then?) and once in awhile with a hard movement a drop or two of fresh blood. Every once in awhile some itchiness but never have had any more burning or irritation.

Then suddenly yesterday morning I woke up, had a rather hard movement and my bottom has been irritated since then. Also constant little drops of fresh blood. It feels like I have sand in there, raw/irritated and sore which comes and goes.

Is this normal for piles sufferers or should I be worrying about something more serious? To not have any pain/irritation and then suddenly it flares up? I am getting myself quite worried that it could be something else but I really don't want to/can't go to the doctor at the moment. I also know that if it is fresh blood, I shouldn't make myself anxious over this, right??

Please, if you are familiar with this, I would love you advice. :(

21-10-10, 15:06
This sounds quite normal for piles. One question - what colour is the blood? Is it bright red or dull brown?
If you are concerned you should ask a doctor's opinion though

21-10-10, 15:08
You're right, fresh red blood isn't usually anything sinister. You could either have a pile or a fissure. Get someone to buy you some cream and it'll help the discomfort.
Also try to eat a high fibre diet for a few weeks to avoid further rips.

21-10-10, 19:36
You may be right. Usually results in constipation and piles too much, because eating the wrong things hard. Your intestines need fiber and plenty of moisture to work. If your stool is very hard or you have to strain, it is usually a sign your diet is not right.Piles can get your own better, if you eat fruits and vegetables and high fiber foods, drink plenty of liquids to maintain adequate All wet.

21-10-10, 19:43
I was recently diagnosed with a thrombosed Haemorrhoid - it literally came out of the blue, however I think I had piles when pregnant (as you described - a small bump). It took a week for it to go but it was extremely painful and I could hardly walk!

22-10-10, 10:23
fissures it sounds like. go to ur doc, nuffin to worry bout x

25-10-10, 19:25
hi i suffer with lots of pain /burning/itching and i have internal piles and fissure and i no people say that blood from piles is always fresh but my consultant and dr says that its not true internal piles can be the reason for dark red or reddy/brown blood and mucus on toilet paper in small amounts so dont worry if its not always bright red x