View Full Version : Worried AGAIN!!!!! (woman problems)

21-10-10, 16:36

Haven't been on for a while as been trying to overcome this fear I have of cancer but I have been really concerned lately that I may have ovarian cancer. I went for a transvaginal and an ultra sound at the beginning of the year as I had some abnormal bleeding, they found a cyst but when I went for my second transvaginal and ultrasound it had gone so no further treatment was needed. I have since had blood tinged discharge in between my periods exactly 28 days apart. I know this could be ovulation bleeding but it still worries me as I also have lower and pelvic pain which are symptoms of ovarian cancer. I don't feel like I can go back to my doctors as I always seem to be there asking about this cancer and the other maybe what I really need is a therapist. I am in a mental argument with myself as I have a 4 year old son I want to see him grow up so part of me is thinking I should go to the GP that is what they are there for and it could be something serious this time and the other half saying don't be so silly it is nothing - HELP HELP HELP I feel like I am going mad - maybe I am :weep:

paula lynne
21-10-10, 16:39
Oh Jenny youre not going mad x
You really have to TRUST that no more treatment means you are ok x
Lots of women get spotting between periods. Did they remove the cyst? x

21-10-10, 16:49
Thanks I know I need to trust them and I would normally but I just can't shake this dreadful feeling that they have missed something which is making me worry more - never ending circle!!! No it actually went on its own which makes me worrying about something more serious seem even more ridiculous I know :blush:

paula lynne
21-10-10, 17:07
It probably dissapeared cos of flux in your hormone levels x
Its hard being a woman with all these hormones flying around isnt it!
Really TRUST that your ok, youve been told you dont need further treatment x
Distraction is useful, try some now, call a friend, read a book/mag, put a cd on, make a cake.....anything x
Hope you feel better soon xxx:hugs:

21-10-10, 18:11
Jenny-Lizzy, I had ovarian cysts too earlier this year which resolved on their own like yours. I believe that if you have had cysts before there is a chance that you are pre-disposed to having them again, so maybe this is what is causing your probs.

As Paula said, our hormones can really screw us up, especially if we have had things like cysts which are hormone created and then muck up our cycles.

I'm sure everything will be just fine for you.xxxx:hugs:

21-10-10, 19:38
Jenny - I have had exactly the same. I have had many scans etc. I am spotting every day now since beginning of September. Last time I saw my doctor about my abonormal periods I burst into tears because I am so tired and worrying about them. Like you I have a young son...so I really can relate to you.

I am having CBT now... and my doctor believes my abnormal periods are probably due to my stress

Take care, and go speak to your doctor x

22-10-10, 13:03
Thanks guys! I have arranged with my husband to go and see the doc together cause I think that every time I go they just think that I am paranoid and never seem to get anywhere but if I take some back up to vouch for how bad I have become with worrying over cancer then maybe they will take me a bit more seriously. The last time I went even the receptionist who is normally really lovely was horrible to me and I was there for my son and when I came out she actually apologised and said she didn't realise how bad he was... so we are going soon!!!