View Full Version : Cant stop thinking about cancer

21-10-10, 19:32
Hello everyone. My name is Robin and I am 26. I Have very recently began to worry about cancer. I feel like I might have a lump in my breast however it seems that when I worry about it it gets worse. I dont know if its me being paranoid or its really there. My fiance says they feel the same as they did 2 years ago, and they both feel the same. I do know that when I am ovulating they get sore then once my period starts they feel better. I havent been to the dr in 4 years. It scares me to go (however I have an appointment in 2 weeks). I dont know why I started worrying so much but I do know it started when I got engaged a couple months ago. I am generally a VERY paranoid person and its really starting to bother me. My fiance says why live you life worrying when you dont know if there is anything to worry about. Any advice you can give to help me set my mind at ease until I visit the dr would be great.

21-10-10, 23:57
Hi, even few months I worry about this sort of thing too. I felt a lump last year, went to GP and he referred me for ultrasound on it at the breast clinic at local hospital. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but I insisted I wanted to be referred. The ultrasound didn't show anything up and they said it was just normal fatty tissue.

It's good that you're going to doctor in couple of weeks so you can get it checked out then, as it's better to be safe and nice to have reassurance that it's normal. It's very likely that they will just say it's glands, fatty tissue etc and nothing to worry about. Even if they do say it is a lump, they rarely turn out to be anything bad, at most could just be a cyst so try not to panic too much.