View Full Version : OK so am I really ill or am I stressed

21-10-10, 20:07
Hi everyone

I came across this site whilst searching to try and match my annoying symptoms which have suddenly got to the stage where I hardly have any days where I feel well now.

I was sure I must have some 'illness' or ‘hormone imbalance’ or ‘allergy’ or ‘whatever’ that had been missed by the various blood tests I have had which so far have shown nothing. No menstruation, extreme fatique, can't get to sleep sometimes as I feel like I’m float off and not breathing properly. I have to prop my self up with pillows as it’s not as bad then and basically I just sit there propped up in bed until I finally fall asleep which is usually around 3am. I wonder why it’s always the same time?

I also get dizziness, lightheadedness, headaches, blurred vision, the shakes blah blah. The bit I find hardest to cope with is the feeling of light headedness as if I’ve not got enough oxygen and am going to collapse or something and my chest feels ‘bubbly’ and weak. It makes me feel drained and exhausted whenever it happens. It can happen at any time even when I’m sitting there perfectly happy doing something or even just talking to family on the phone or walking the dog. I never know when it’s going to happen so I’ve even stopped driving as it worries me so much. Sometimes my heart pounds and other times it doesn’t. Sometimes my pulse races some times it goes slow. All very weird and YES I am starting to spend too much time worrying about what’s really wrong with me or wether I’ll feel ill or not if we are going anywhere. I’m only 46 so not ready for the scrap heap just yet !!

I’ve even stopped driving, have packed in the part time job that I really enjoyed, I hardly go out or do anything other than sleep or do stuff on my computer at home, even taking the dog for a lovely walk is getting harder…. I feel like I’m turning into a miserable, boring, grumpy person a lot of the time because of this and it’s ruining mine and my families lives…. WHY cos I'm not like that at all ?? I'm confident (well with most things anyway) and even now despite all 'illnesses' if a stressfull situation occurs or problem needs sorting then I am the calm one who knows what to do and gets it sorted.. so clearly I am not the type to be classed as stressed or anxious... OR SO I THOUGHT until I looked at all the info on this site.

I feel a bit silly now after reading it all and all your posts as I thought my doctors (yes I see a different one each time such is the way our surgery works) were just ignoring me and having me down as some sort of deranged hypochondriac by telling me to relax and forget about 'it'. Their reasoning is that all my various symptoms do not fall under any 'obvious' illness so there was no point in carrying out any other tests.

It was only when I saw yet another doctor a few weeks ago and got myself in a right state and burst into tears (which is not like me at all) that he said he thought all my symptoms were down to stress/anxiety.... and apparently all the other doctors had written the same conclusion on their notes over the years but hadn't bothered telling me. I thought 'here we go again just fob me off as usual'. I said the only thing making me stressed and anxious was the fact that I felt so ill all the time and not only did I feel so ill that it was also affecting my families quality of life too... and he just smiled and said he wanted to try and lift my mood and prescribed Citalopram.

Ok so I'd try anything if there was a remote chance it may work and get my life back to normal but after 3 days the side effects were so bad he had to take me off them. Next visit I was more cheerful but the doc said I was just putting on a front and that the 'wall' that had had a brick knocked out when I cried in front of him had gone back up and that was not good.

I must admit I have always had a habit of not showing my feelings if I am upset but thought that was just because I was a strong person I guess that’s not good in the long run though. He said I probably have a lot of ‘issues’ buried inside that I wont let out or let go of and suggested some Therapy if I wanted it? Issues ???? Therapy ??? Why ??? I thought I’m not mad, I’m not stressed…. I’m ILL and you can’t or wont find out what’s wrong with me!!!

BUT......having read all the comments on here where so many people mention the same symptoms as I have then maybe he is right after all. So that’s a good start (I hope). …. It's really horrible to feel like this though eh. So how do I stop being stressed and anxious when I didn't even realise that I was... anyone got any ideas and did anything work for you?

When you all get your symptoms are you aware that something stressful has caused them or like mine can they just hit you anytime of the day without warning or any obvious cause?


Ooops sorry for the rather long first post one here and I guess there was no need for all the detail but I've typed it now so will leave my ramblings as they are without adding any more for now……… I promise.

Take care everyone and thanks for reading and an even bigger thanks for sharing all your thoughts and info on this site as it’s really helpful. :hugs:

21-10-10, 20:09
Hi Dizz

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-10-10, 21:48

Thanks for the welcome and I've been reading some of the info and also the free downloadable leaflets in the 'shop' area too. Really interesting and it's like they were written about me especially the 'stress' one and the 'health anxiety' one. I've even printed them off for my dad :D

I wanted to buy a couple of the JFDI wristbands too as I think they are brill and would be a great reminder to me to get on with things rather than worrying about 'what ifs' but it was asking me to log in again even though I was logged in to here so I worried about putting my payment details in etc :blush:

21-10-10, 22:03
Hi Dizz
Welcome to the best site in the world!!!
Just to say I totally understand and know how you feel, I'm suffering the exact same.
If you ever fancy a chat or a moan I'm here.
Tracie xxx

21-10-10, 22:05
Hi Dizz

The online shop is totally separate to this forum so you have to register on there separately.

:welcome: aboard as well.

22-10-10, 19:21
Hiya thanks for both your replies... still reading all the info and stuff on here which should keep me busy for ages, and maybe things aren't so bad after all :winks: :yesyes:

23-10-10, 08:30
welcome Diz!! Im a new member too. its nice here gives you a lot of comfort!!

23-10-10, 09:58
Hi Dizz
Welcome from another newbie. Your symptoms are probably very much the same as most folk on here give or take a couple, certainly when I read your posting it could well have had my name at the top. :D
Shame your doc isn’t more sympathetic, when I have a major relapse my doc generally gives me a good looking over with ECG and bloods just to be sure it’s the anxiety again, and this will make folk on here sick, one of the female docs has always said to me ‘pop in anytime to see me even if it’s just for a reassuring chat’. So I guess I’m lucky with having an understandable doc.
Have a good look around the site because there are masses of info and check up on how different people approach relief from their smptoms. Me, I prefer natural ones, I’m on st Johns Wort (2 a day – my doc recommended them) and vitamin B and due to start some counselling on Monday but as I’m sure most will agree if you can you have to force yourself back to your regular routine, tough I know and will seem like one forward and two back at times but its how I get over my blips when they come.
All the best :hugs:

24-10-10, 19:26
Hi Dizz,
I think the slightest thing can set us into panic mode, a noise, a smell. I found yesterday just being on the computer had me in a whirl and it went on and on all day. also when Im trying to concentrate too hard it sets me away.

From Margaret xx

Restored Rachel
25-10-10, 03:46
Hi everyone

I came across this site whilst searching to try and match my annoying symptoms which have suddenly got to the stage where I hardly have any days where I feel well now.

I was sure I must have some 'illness' or ‘hormone imbalance’ or ‘allergy’ or ‘whatever’ that had been missed by the various blood tests I have had which so far have shown nothing. No menstruation, extreme fatique, can't get to sleep sometimes as I feel like I’m float off and not breathing properly. I have to prop my self up with pillows as it’s not as bad then and basically I just sit there propped up in bed until I finally fall asleep which is usually around 3am. I wonder why it’s always the same time?

I also get dizziness, lightheadedness, headaches, blurred vision, the shakes blah blah. The bit I find hardest to cope with is the feeling of light headedness as if I’ve not got enough oxygen and am going to collapse or something and my chest feels ‘bubbly’ and weak. It makes me feel drained and exhausted whenever it happens. It can happen at any time even when I’m sitting there perfectly happy doing something or even just talking to family on the phone or walking the dog. I never know when it’s going to happen so I’ve even stopped driving as it worries me so much. Sometimes my heart pounds and other times it doesn’t. Sometimes my pulse races some times it goes slow. All very weird and YES I am starting to spend too much time worrying about what’s really wrong with me or wether I’ll feel ill or not if we are going anywhere. I’m only 46 so not ready for the scrap heap just yet !!

I’ve even stopped driving, have packed in the part time job that I really enjoyed, I hardly go out or do anything other than sleep or do stuff on my computer at home, even taking the dog for a lovely walk is getting harder…. I feel like I’m turning into a miserable, boring, grumpy person a lot of the time because of this and it’s ruining mine and my families lives…. WHY cos I'm not like that at all ?? I'm confident (well with most things anyway) and even now despite all 'illnesses' if a stressfull situation occurs or problem needs sorting then I am the calm one who knows what to do and gets it sorted.. so clearly I am not the type to be classed as stressed or anxious... OR SO I THOUGHT until I looked at all the info on this site.

I feel a bit silly now after reading it all and all your posts as I thought my doctors (yes I see a different one each time such is the way our surgery works) were just ignoring me and having me down as some sort of deranged hypochondriac by telling me to relax and forget about 'it'. Their reasoning is that all my various symptoms do not fall under any 'obvious' illness so there was no point in carrying out any other tests.

It was only when I saw yet another doctor a few weeks ago and got myself in a right state and burst into tears (which is not like me at all) that he said he thought all my symptoms were down to stress/anxiety.... and apparently all the other doctors had written the same conclusion on their notes over the years but hadn't bothered telling me. I thought 'here we go again just fob me off as usual'. I said the only thing making me stressed and anxious was the fact that I felt so ill all the time and not only did I feel so ill that it was also affecting my families quality of life too... and he just smiled and said he wanted to try and lift my mood and prescribed Citalopram.

Ok so I'd try anything if there was a remote chance it may work and get my life back to normal but after 3 days the side effects were so bad he had to take me off them. Next visit I was more cheerful but the doc said I was just putting on a front and that the 'wall' that had had a brick knocked out when I cried in front of him had gone back up and that was not good.

I must admit I have always had a habit of not showing my feelings if I am upset but thought that was just because I was a strong person I guess that’s not good in the long run though. He said I probably have a lot of ‘issues’ buried inside that I wont let out or let go of and suggested some Therapy if I wanted it? Issues ???? Therapy ??? Why ??? I thought I’m not mad, I’m not stressed…. I’m ILL and you can’t or wont find out what’s wrong with me!!!

BUT......having read all the comments on here where so many people mention the same symptoms as I have then maybe he is right after all. So that’s a good start (I hope). …. It's really horrible to feel like this though eh. So how do I stop being stressed and anxious when I didn't even realise that I was... anyone got any ideas and did anything work for you?

When you all get your symptoms are you aware that something stressful has caused them or like mine can they just hit you anytime of the day without warning or any obvious cause?


Ooops sorry for the rather long first post one here and I guess there was no need for all the detail but I've typed it now so will leave my ramblings as they are without adding any more for now……… I promise.

Take care everyone and thanks for reading and an even bigger thanks for sharing all your thoughts and info on this site as it’s really helpful. :hugs:

WoW !! It makes me want to cry reading this because I know exactly what your growing through and I suggest a blood test for hypoglecymia because those are the syptoms you described and I have hypoglecymia. What are you eating? take a 5 hour glucose text and find out and change your diet if it comes out positive. I hope you get to feeling normal again! sometimes I think what is normal like???

26-10-10, 19:58
Hiya everyone and thanks for the replies. Must appologise for not replying sooner as being new I keep forgetting check my own threads for any replies and get sidetracked reading everyone elses topics :blush:

Will reply to each of you now seperately as I don't know how to do it in one post OOPS :shrug: Newbies eh :doh: xx

26-10-10, 20:11
Hi Dizz
Welcome from another newbie. Your symptoms are probably very much the same as most folk on here give or take a couple, certainly when I read your posting it could well have had my name at the top. :D
Shame your doc isn’t more sympathetic, when I have a major relapse my doc generally gives me a good looking over with ECG and bloods just to be sure it’s the anxiety again, and this will make folk on here sick, one of the female docs has always said to me ‘pop in anytime to see me even if it’s just for a reassuring chat’. So I guess I’m lucky with having an understandable doc.
Have a good look around the site because there are masses of info and check up on how different people approach relief from their smptoms. Me, I prefer natural ones, I’m on st Johns Wort (2 a day – my doc recommended them) and vitamin B and due to start some counselling on Monday but as I’m sure most will agree if you can you have to force yourself back to your regular routine, tough I know and will seem like one forward and two back at times but its how I get over my blips when they come.
All the best :hugs:

Thanks for that. Your doc sounds lovely. Mine are ok but you tend to have to see a different one each time and they are all men that I've seen so far. Most have just smiled 'knowingly' and told me to ignore it all. One took me more seriously and gave me more blood tests including Thyroid, Hormone (which were incinclusive due to time they were taken) and also a 2 hour glucose intollerance test but said to 'ignore and relax' but if it didn't get any better to go back and he'd send me for more tests. Tried to make another appt with his but apparently I cant as he was a semi-retired locum doctor :wacko:

The last one I saw was really nice but flatly refused any other tests but has referred me for the Therapy. I DID ask him if maybe I was short on B vits but he said none of the blood tests I'd had would show that and no point in actually checking the B Levels as I would have shown up Anemia if they had been low !?!?

Interesting about St Johns Wart though as someone else recomended those but when I looked on the internet there were loads of warnings about taking it... maybe I shouldn't have looked :blush:

I'm still doing my best to 'ignore' and forcing myslef to carry on regardless but it's hard sometimes eh especially when family and kids keep dropping sarcy comments about 'mum being ill all the time' and 'all in the mind'. Guess they are probably right though.

Let me know how you go on with your counselling on Monday as I'd be really interested to see what you think cos I'll be hopefully starting mine once the waiting list of 6 weeks passes.

Take care and keep smiling :hugs:xx

26-10-10, 20:21
Hi Dizz,
I think the slightest thing can set us into panic mode, a noise, a smell. I found yesterday just being on the computer had me in a whirl and it went on and on all day. also when Im trying to concentrate too hard it sets me away.

From Margaret xx

Hiya Margaret

Odd isn't it. I've noticed that when everywheres really quiet the slightest little noise seems to make me jump. Felt daft the other night as I was lying in bed and my other half unplugged a plug in the next room. Not a particularly loud noise by anyones imagination but I jumped a mile. Even a cough or sneeze can make me jump but only when I'm in bed and the rooms really quiet.

Must be my age or maybe my hearing has gone bionic ha ha.

Must admit though I tend to be fine when I'm concentrating and if a stressful event happens which would freak someone else out like a car accident or something then I'm the calmest person around and I go into 'leadership and sort it' mode. Weird. Infact after typing that I realsise that I am great in a crisis I just can't seem to cope with normality.

Guess the mind and body works in some very strange ways eh.

Take care xx

26-10-10, 21:07
WoW !! It makes me want to cry reading this because I know exactly what your growing through and I suggest a blood test for hypoglecymia because those are the syptoms you described and I have hypoglecymia. What are you eating? take a 5 hour glucose text and find out and change your diet if it comes out positive. I hope you get to feeling normal again! sometimes I think what is normal like???

Hiya Rachel

EEK please don't cry because of why I put. Oooh I feel bad now :(

I've actually had the two hour glucose intollerance test and I forgot I'd had it (is that the same thing). Had it cos a finger prick test and fasting blood test showed slightly high readings but the 2 hour test showed normal readings so all was well.

As for what am I eating... now dare I be honest.

My eating habits are not good. I rarely have breakfast and have always been like that. Lunch can be a quick snack 'whenever' and sometimes tea is not until late depending on what the rest of my family are doing. If they are out I tend to eat on my own so its rarely a good balanced meal more of a 'snack' or 'quick meal' as to be honest I find eating a chore. That doesn't sound good I know :(

I dont eat a lot of fruit and veg but do take multi vits, I never eat cakes or biscuits, dont have sugar in my drinks and rarely drink pop as I'm not a lover of sweet things... but I do love anything savoury. I've cut down on the amount of bread I eat as I realised I was eating a lot of wheat based stuff.

I did try eating better and more regularly a few weeks back but I found that I felt worse after bigger meals and especially if they contained potato's (weird I know and probably just imagined it as I'm sure potatoes dont cause tiredness etc ha ha)

I am about 3 stone overweight despite not really eating a lot (I'm not just saying that as my hubby is always telling me off for not eating regular meals, he's got room to talk as he's never in) but I do like wine and cider... and I smoke :blush:

You know what Rachel .... I think you may have just made me realise what my biggest problem is... I don't eat properly and maybe I didn't give my body time to adjust to regular eating patterns and foods. I've now slipped back into my old ways without realising it cos I'm always too busy doing other stuff and can't be bothered or 'forget'. I've only had two bacon sandwiches and a yoghurt today and it's nearly 9pm. OMG !!!

Ok so now you know some of my faults and so do I... so I'm off to have a piece of salmon from the freezer and some veg :yahoo:

Thanks xxx

26-10-10, 21:15
an finally but by no means leastly (is there such a word) or lastly ...

Thanks Traciec29, Garnie and Nomorepanic for your replies too.

As you can all see I could moan and chat for England.... I feel sorry for you all having to read all my long posts :scared15::bighug1:

Nice chatting to you all and take care and be happy

x x x x x x