View Full Version : Head pain

21-10-10, 23:28
Just wondered if anybody's had this as a symptom? I got a sudden pain at the top of my head..like a rush through my head. And my head feels a bit sore still got the same pain there..I have been worrying all night with anxiety though...

Is it normal this pain?:weep: My other symptom has been shortness of breath..my nose feels all bunged up and enclosed..also setting of a further panic.

22-10-10, 00:19
I get a lot of shooting pains in my head. The head has muscles all around and inside (which is where headaches come from not the actual brain) and you know what anxiety can do to muscles :)

22-10-10, 00:20
May just be a headache. And your nose may be a cold congestion?

22-10-10, 08:30
Head pain can be caused due to dehydration or after a long time of working constantly under pressure and stressed situation. Leave every tension and stress at the time of going to bed. Only 1 to 5 percent has an organic cause mean brain damage, brain tumour. But severe or persistent head pain should never be ignored.

22-10-10, 10:13
Ive been suffering with sharp head pains for last 2 days. Its a sharp pain only lasts a few seconds but its frightening. Ive had it before now and then but had it on and off all day yesterday. Seen my doctor a few years back and told him about it and he says its anxiety but its still scary when it happens and sometimes it makes me feel sick for a few seconds too and spaced out afterwards. I took a couple of Nurophen migraine pain killers last night and it seemed to take the pain away.

22-10-10, 10:21
I had these baddddddlllyyyyyy!! every day all day, was scared i had tumour! had ct scan and all was normal. head pains wrnt after that. was just anxiety. ur subconcious mind is so powerful. just anxiety hun. x