View Full Version : SOMEONE HELP ME QUICK! Minor stroke? Brain damage?

22-10-10, 02:57
I was on the phone talking to my boyfriend, and suddenly got a weird feeling in my head. Then i stumbled over my words and couldnt get them out, i couldnt operate my jaw to move my mouth and my head felt like it was moving. Am i having a minor stroke? Im really scared someone help me

22-10-10, 04:01
This happens to me sometimes, I find myself totally confused and not knowing whats going on. I put it down to anxiety.

22-10-10, 10:18
Yes i get this sometimes was feeling really bad the other night with anxiety and felt really spaced out and like I was losing my mind and my wife asked me a simple question and I simply couldnt answer. My head went completley blank and I couldnt speak for a few seconds it scared the hell out of me but apparently its all due to anxiety and an overtired mind.
Another time I remember walking round my local shops and I had a complete mind blank and couldnt remember where I was for a few seconds and starting panicing, again it scared the hell out of me but my Doc just puts it all down to anxiety.

22-10-10, 10:20
I get this and stumble my words and cant get them out, but only when im 'panicking'. I too think I might suffer from mini-strokes (TIA's) but my doctor almost laughed when i said that... so probably anxiety! xx

22-10-10, 10:20
If it was a stroke you wouldn't be able to type here Ruby.

Anxiety I'm afraid.

paula lynne
22-10-10, 12:39
Hi it may be a type of migraine, do you suffer with them, or does anyone in your family get them? It could be a form of anxiety too x Hope you feel ok now x

30-10-10, 14:40
thankyou for your replies, i think i get migraines.