View Full Version : 1 slipped thru the net now im scared again

22-10-10, 09:07
HI been on mirtazapine 9weeks have been able to hold Panics t bay but last night had 1 i took a diazapam but it didnt help that much now im scared incase i have another! i was doing so well :( i feel ive let myself and every1 else dwn. i cant be strong 4eva! just wrote this to get it of my chest
katie x

22-10-10, 10:07
Think of it as a blip. You haven't let anybody down. We all have blips hun. Stay strong x

22-10-10, 11:10
Thank you il try x

22-10-10, 11:20
You really haven't let anyone down and so try not to think that way. You are doing well, it is just a blip like sammi has said. You need to believe in yourself. You may think you CAN'T be strong but you CAN. You can do it and everyone here knows that you can. :)

22-10-10, 11:40
I know how you feel. Mine has just come back 4 days ago and I feel iv let my partner down. He's being supportive but i cant help but worrying that he's gonna snap and just walk.

Try to stay focused hunnie. I know easier said then done. but if you keep telling yourself that then you will. Think of the good things!!!

Do your best!!!
love garnie xx