View Full Version : Scared to take antibiotics / Please help me

22-10-10, 14:05
Hi There,
I have psoriasis on my scalp and had a biopsy on Monday with 2 stitches to be removed on Monday. The stitches have healed fine but the area beside the biopsy is sore and red now and weeping a bit. The Doctor has given me antibiotics and knows I am scared to take them as I have had allergic reactions before. She said if I want i can monitor my scalp for a day or so before starting the tablets which I was happy to do but i have been reading on the net that by delaying antibiotics could make it spread and go in to my bloodstream or I could have MRSA. I am so scared as i am frightened to take the tablets but at the same time dont want to wait incase the infection gets worse. The Doctor said there is a 50/50 chance of me having to take the tablets. Please someone help me.


22-10-10, 14:37
Have you tried cleaning the wound with cooled boiled water and salt? Try wiping that over the wound every few hours today and see if that helps. Salt is a natural antiseptic that might help it heal.

Vanilla Sky
22-10-10, 14:37
Have you had reactions to antibiotics before ? Is you doctor aware of your allergy ?
The best thing to do is ask your doctors advice , I'm afraid we cannot tell you what you should do in a case like this. Get on to your doc :)

22-10-10, 15:09
Thanks for your help. Yes my Doctor is aware of which tablets I have had reactions with. She didnt say that I def have to start the tablets today but to keep an eye on it for a day or so then start if it gets worse or no better. I am so scared to take the tablets. I never used to worry about taking things until I got reactions :weep:

Thanks again

Hazel B
22-10-10, 15:53
The only antibitiotic (A/B) I know of that can cause a serious reaction is penicillin, it should say on the box if it is penicillin. Otherwise, you MAY get a sore tummy/the runs/feel sick, common side effects of A/Bs.

I had A/Bs for 2 years when I was little as I had a bone disease, they saved my life.

The chemist telephone number should be on the printed label, you could call them and ask their advice?

Hope you get well soon.

22-10-10, 17:43
Hi There,
The Antibiotics do contain penicillin but I have decided that I am going to start them tomorrow if my scalp doesnt feel any better. I am still worried but its worth the risk as if it gets worse then it may be more difficult to get rid of.

Thanks everyone