View Full Version : Coping with stress???

22-10-10, 15:03
Anyone know how to handle stress, I'm allways stressed lately, it only takes one thing and I will be in a mood allday. I just cant cope with things or people. I'm exhausted. Please someone help me? Xxx

22-10-10, 17:52
I feel like I'm losing control x

22-10-10, 19:35
help :(

22-10-10, 19:43
Try this:


22-10-10, 19:49
thank u nicola i will go have a look xx

22-10-10, 20:02
The only advice I can give is to slow down. Anxiety and stress try to make me rush everywhere! If I slow down and go at a snails pace I don't get as worked up. Breathe deeply, relax your muscles, write down any jobs that you need to do, and do things you enjoy^^

22-10-10, 20:03
im sooo sad people taking there moods out on me well thay dont cause me to panic nomore so thay can keep trying. people wonder why my self esteem so low if ur told everyday u wont cope with doing that u wont be able to do that ur never do that would u be confident now u prob see why i have low self esteem x

22-10-10, 20:17
We've all got toxic people in our lives. If you can just remove them from your life.

23-10-10, 07:20
I can barely breathe am soo low x

23-10-10, 15:54
Hi Hayley,

Hope you’re feeling a bit better now.

“people wonder why my self esteem so low if ur told everyday u wont cope with doing that u wont be able to do that ur never do that would u be confident now u prob see why i have low self esteem”

I agree, it isn’t very encouraging, is it. Sometimes people do that to be horrible, sometimes they just don’t realise how it effects the other person. But the thing is, another person is free to choose to say whatever they like; however, Hayley, you’re free to choose whether or not to let it stick.

Have you ever heard of The Wemmicks (http://www.eatingdisordersupport.co.uk/self-help/wemmicks.html) :)

BTW, I read your other thread about the beach earlier. I’m sorry it was a tough one, but well done for giving it a go :yesyes:

Take care,