View Full Version : withdrawels

22-10-10, 18:06
I was suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for a while but CBT really helped me and so I stoped a few weeks back and also had been coming of citelopram very slowly. i was down to 5mg, and 2 weeks after stoping CBT and my grandma died. this made all anxiety come bk as meant I had to fly to Austria for a week. This was 2 weeks ago. I am now off citalopra and its not improved. I feel dizzy and sick and my anxiety is really bad sometimes. It gets to high episodes where I even think I should just end to stop it all. Does the withdrawles get better? I don't want to go back on it and I dunno if I need more therapy again. :S

22-10-10, 19:16
The withdrawals do definitely get better - but can take up to a month, in my experience. There are other meds you can take temporarily, which will help with the withdrawal symptoms. Prochlorperazine (known as Buccastem, or Stemetil), which can be prescribed by your GP for a short time, helps with both dizziness and nausea. It can also be a little sedating. This might take the edge off the withdrawals for the time being. There is a thread entitled Buccastem posted this week, just so a seacrh under that name.

22-10-10, 20:46
okay thank you. well i will see how it goes cause i dont want to go bk on but if i still feel like this in 2 weeks i might ask to go bk on but hopefully that wont be the case! xxxx