View Full Version : Is this normal...

22-10-10, 19:04
hi everyone again,
my mums recently had a stomach bug and passed it onto me so i've been feeling really under the weather lately (and ive just recovered from having a chest infection!), but earlier on when i went to "empty my bowels" i noticed there were darkish bits in my stools, well dirrehea. its got me a bit worried even though i've been telling myself its probably nothing and due to me feeling unwell. i have no pains in my stomach or anywhere else, i just feel queasy and like i need to go to the loo straight after i've had something to eat.
is this due to me being unwell? very scared i have some sort of cancer :(

22-10-10, 19:15
You've probably just eaten something with a darker pigment. For instance Beetroot will turn your stools a dark browny purple and your wee pink :D Asparagus can turn your wee green!
I would imagine where youve had a stomach bug youre not digesting your food properly, so the food is still retaining its darker colour.
You're fine. Just keep your fluids up^^

22-10-10, 19:26
thank you :) before i went to the loo i did have scampi,chips and then after that pancakes, though i have been eating cereals with a lot of fibre in too which im guessing wasn't a good idea, though i will keep my fluids up thank you :) xxx