View Full Version : been to the doctors

22-10-10, 19:05
Hi all

I have been to the doctors this afternoon, as i was suffering very badly from my anxiety, it was lasting all day long, making me a nervous wreck!

I told the doctor my situation that i have been taking my citalopram as halves and she said this is the main reason why im feeling the way i am, because they gave me 20mg for a reason, so as from tonight im taking the full tablet...

Also she has given me 2mg diazapam just to take when i feel edgy...

Lets hope i can get my life back together as from tonight


22-10-10, 19:12
Hi Jen, Good luck with the higher dose. It might make you a little more anxious when you up the dose, but that will fade quickly. Use the diazepam to get you through the worst of it.
I also suggest listening to a relaxation CD. It really helped me to get through the worst of my anxiety. Even if I had to listen to it 3 times before I started to relax, it was worth it. Eventually I dont even need to listen to the whole thing to relax now :)
Take care of yourself :)

22-10-10, 20:17
Aw jen glad you went to the doctors hunni. The diazepam will help relax you and take the edge off it worked wonders for me but doc won't give me anymore:winks: he only gave me 5 to use while the meds were kicking in. I have no diaz left and tonight will be my 8th night on cipralex and I'm so anxious achy tired. I know how hard it is. Xxx