View Full Version : Feel like i've let myself down

cheesy pete
22-10-10, 19:41
So disappointed with myself. Was supposed to be driving up north to pick up the kids but stuck in traffic and freaked out. My brother has gone to get them and i have driven home. I feel like i have let them, him and myself down.:weep:

22-10-10, 19:44
Pete, instead of looking at what you didn't manage look at what you did manage! You got in that car and you drove away from your home. So what that you didn't make it, life is all about baby steps :) Pat yourself on the back for trying!

22-10-10, 19:46
Vixxy is right hun. Be proud for what you did do. Don't feel like you have let anyone down least of all yourself you tried and that's all you can do x

22-10-10, 19:54
Trying isnt letting yourself down Pete .NOT trying is ..Keep trying and never give up .you will get there in the end :yesyes:.Take care Sue x:hugs:

cheesy pete
22-10-10, 20:02
Thanks everyone. I'd been at work and all day all i could think of was driving up north. The aches and pains just got worse and worse and when the traffic came to a grinding halt that just made things even worse.

Just want these aches and twinges to go.

22-10-10, 22:54
Well done for getting as far as you did - I couldn't even attempt it and I think I am doing really well at the moment. Dont knock yourself - you did well!